My Cold, Black Prison

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  • Dedicated to Gillian

So, I have a whole mess of poems that are screaming to be read. So, i'm going to post them here. If you like or have any comments at all please share. these are not the best in the world, but please don't be mean. Remember constructive critism is always welcome!


My Cold, Black Prison

I look up where I once stood tall,

taller than the highest mountain top,

back down into my dark pit of despair.

Nothing and no one can get me out,

So I sit and stare at the walls of my prison.

 I look for foot holes as an escape from my cell,

but it is to no avail.

the walls are as smooth as marble and as shiny as vinyl,

there are as dark and black as the sky is light and cheerful,

So I sit and stare once more.

I start to call to the surface,

I make myself known,

I try to signal to the world,

but I am all alone. 

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