And then walked in Hunk and Shay, bright smiles on their faces as Lance and Keith stood up to greet them. Stephanie toddled off to greet Emily, Hunk and Shay's daughter who was just a year older than Stephanie. Jeremy on the other hand was already playing Star Wars with Tyler, an eight year old boy who was usually shy except for when he was doing impressions of Han Solo. 

"Hunk, Shay!" Lance beamed as he embraced Shay before doing his secret handshake that he made up with Hunk on Hunk's wedding day. 


Hunk got married too! Pidge decided to not get married yet, she hadn't found anyone that made her go "They are my Beyonce", but sh was looking. She instead occupied herself with a lively Labrador. She regretted him most days, but some days he was cute. 

After everyone exchanged their hellos they made their way into the back garden where they met Shiro and Allura who chatted happily among themselves. Shiro and Allura both lived away from where Lance and Keith settled to live so they were staying in two of their spare bedrooms. Lance and Keith bought a luxurious house but decided they didn't want to buy one too big because they both knew they would be too lazy to clean it and too lazy to employ a cleaner.

They both turned away from their conversations to head over to the approaching group. They chatted happily and caught up after the years they had been apart. And by years I meant a few months. They got together about two months ago for Lance's thirtieth birthday, but still everyone was happy to see each other. 

But soon they were practically freezing to death so they headed inside and ordered some pizzas and some Chinese food. while waiting they switched on a movie to occupy the children while they chatted to each other in the kitchen. 

"So, Shiro. How's Adam."

And you bet your ass I was gonna include my son in this. IdgaF if he's technically dead, i still love him. 

Shiro smiled fondly as he sipped his tea that Keith previously brewed. "Good, he decided to stay at home since Isaac got sick and it was Josh's girlfriend's birthday. but they told me to show you this when I got here." Shiro spoke, pulling his phone out and scrolling through it before showing Lance and Keith a picture. It was Adam, Isaac and Josh (who were both sixteen and twins), holding up a banner that read "Happy Anniversary!!!"

Keith smiled. "You better send that picture to me or I'll shove that banner up your ass." He said with a smile, though hearing that sentence from Keith who was smiling felt oddly uncomfortable. 

Shiro smiled nervously as he nodded. "Uh yeah... sure..." 

Allura grinned as she leaned forward, looking over to Lance and Keith. "And Happy Anniversary. I hope you liked your present." 

Lance and Keith's smiles fell as they glanced to each other. "Well..." Lance began causing Allura's face to fall into a frown. Lance only snorted before his lips spread into a grin, "How couldn't I have loved it? You got us a freaking Dance Dance Revolution game!" Lance snickered. 

Keith nodded enthusiastically. "I never realized how unfit I had gotten before Jeremy played sixteen rounds and I played too."

Pidge took the opportunity to give Lance and Keith their present from her, a star she named Laith, both meaning Lion and also meaning Lance and Keith together. On their first anniversary she got them a goldfish but it died within the week... so they decided not to get another fish. 

Hunk and Shay baked them a cake that when cut open had a FREAKING RAINBOW... they were pretty excited. Shiro also got them a present. A framed picture. Lance and Keith were both taken aback when they saw the picture in the frame. They smiled, hugging Shiro so tight that all of his air was squeezed out of his lungs. It was really the first picture taken of the two together. Well, first consentual picture of them together. 

It was when they ate the huge pasta dish in the restaurant they went to when they first met. They remembered revisiting the shop causing the owner to almost faint. They decided not to try the challenge again because they both knew they wouldn't complete it. But thousands of people came to the restaurant to take pictures of themselves with the first winners of the spaghetti challenge. 

But when Lance and Keith looked at the picture now, looking at their young grins as they wrapped their arms around each other victoriously, they realized how much they had loved each other then. And it was quite strange to think in such a short amount of time they found they had fallen in love with each other. And even though they found that they relationship was pretty rushed into, and even though they had some rough times, Lance and Keith always felt love for each other. They never stopped loving each other. Which is oddly poetic and even cliche but it was true. It's hard to find someone, some people even write about other people being in love to fill a void. But if Lance and Keith found it despite how radioactive they both are, it cant be too hard. Right?

And If you were wondering, Keith totally caught all five smarties in his mouth.


Well I'm gonna thank some people like @philtrash505 for making my cover

and @HeSheHeShe  for being my first and number one supporter 

And of course @Screisy !!! They probably dont even read this anymore, but they actually came up with the book title so I thought I'd thank them ;)

And I'm working on a new book RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT!!! Well two really, but I'll be publishing one first so tell me (And I'll be asking in my other book and my profile too) 


A) An Underground Jazz Band AU (based back when racism and homophobia was rampant so there'll be some tea)

B) More of a mystery book where Lance is solving the Murder of Keith!! (So kinda like the anime Erased and the Wattpad book 27 days (no promo) )

Please vote and I'll publish whatever gets the most votes first!!

Also, I'll be putting up a poll on my Amino (Patty-Thompson) so download Amino and join al the fandoms!! It's fun, plus you can vote on polls for my upcoming books and maybe even vote on other stuff as part of my chapters ;)

But this is seriously the last part of Dancing To Our Love.... and I am freaking sad to see my baby go but thank you all for actually reading my shitty book through every single chapter. There were a ridiculous amount of chapters and I was a terrible person for updating but THANK YOU I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

And don't forget to vote on Wattpad or Amino ^v^

-Patty '3'


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