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Yugyeom POV:

He fell asleep during the movie with a tight grip on my waist. I finally got a good look at him since he was moving too much to be able to check the damage. 

He had a bruise on his cheek and jaw and a split lip. I couldn't believe that someone would be so willing to get hurt just to keep me safe. I hugged him as hard as I could just to make sure that this wasn't a dream and that I wouldn't wake up in a puddle of my own blood. I hadn't even realized that I was crying until I saw the tears fall on his forehead.

I quickly wiped at my eyes to stop more from falling. I hadn't realized that he was awake until he pulled my hands away from my face showing a concerned look on his face. Only he could be in pain but still care about another's pain more.

"Hey what's wrong? Does anything hurt?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm ok. Don't worry."

"Then why are you crying?"

His words and the way he was holding my face like gold was too much for me. My eyes started watering.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that this is all so surreal. You could have gotten hurt and it was all because of me. I don't know how I would lived with myself if you hadn't made it out."

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. None of this is your fault. I made the choice to get to know and I made the choice to go in that house. Why? God I don't know! Love is blinding. But what I do know is that I don't regret anything and that you have a home with us now."

Words could not explain how I felt in that moment so instead I pressed our lips together and tried to convey my feelings that way. He rested his forehead against mine once we pulled apart.

This is the moment. I knew it in my heart that I could never feel this way for another.

I let myself whisper the words.

"I love you."

A smile grew on his face as he rested his hands on my cheeks.

"Say it again."

"I love you."


"I love you."

"I love you too. I could hear you say that a million times and still feel excited. No taking it back."

"I would never take it back."

He let out a joyous laugh and kissed me with more fervor. I let my hands settle on his chest while his hands explored my back and sides. There was a string of saliva connecting our mouths when we pulled away from the kiss. I wiped at my mouth quickly due to how embarrassingly gross that was. 

But all he did was stare at me with a lopsided smile. He laid down on the couch once again and pulled me down with him making sure that I was pressed right against him. 

"How did I get so lucky to meet someone as beautiful as you?"

I looked up to find that he was staring at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But what I do know is that I'm the lucky one. Who else would have gone through all that trouble just to help me?"

"You my dear, are worth it. And when the time comes, I'm gonna give you the world."

I decided to leave it at that and buried my face in his chest. He started playing with my fingers and petting my hair.

"Come on. Let's go to bed."


With that, they both got up from the couch and walked to Jaebum's room. He lent Yugyeom some clothes to wear to bed. He couldn't help but admire the way he looked in his clothes. Once they were finished getting ready, they laid down and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jaebum's POV:

I woke to a strange clicking sound. When I opened my eyes I saw my mom standing at the foot of my bed with her phone camera pointed at us. 


"You guys look so cute! I can't believe my son found someone who is pretty, nice, and willing to take him. It's all I've ever wished for."

"Yah! Eomma! You're embarrassing me. And you're going to wake him up."

"Me? You're the one who is yelling. Anyways I just came up to say that I'm going to work and that I called the school to let them know that you guys won't be in for a while."

"Thank you. Now can you please exit ?"

"Oh alright. Breakfast is in the oven. Make sure to eat. I'm taking you both to the doctor later."

"But I already said that nothing hurts."

"Yeah well you are a liar. See you later."

She left quickly. I got up when I heard her car pull out of the driveway. I went downstairs to reheat the food and set everything up on a tray to take to Yugyeom. I set the tray down on the side table and gently shook him awake. 

"Gummy. Wake up."

He groaned and turned over on the bed to hide his face in the pillow. I tugged the blanket down but he just rolled himself up in it and stared up at me from his burrito state.

"Aigoo. Aigoo. Look at this grumpy burrito."

"Shut up."

The corners of my lips quirked up for a second at the sound of the familiarly annoyed Yugyeom.

"How are you going to eat if your hands are trapped? Shall I feed you?"

He opened his mouth expectantly. I rolled my eyes but nonetheless cut the food up. I started feeding him. He was able to eat about two thirds of the plate before he got full. 

I quickly ate and proceeded to bundle him up in my arms. 

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know."

"We could watch a movie if you want?"

"Which movie?"

I got up and went to my shelf of movies.

"I have Train to Busan, Silenced, Zombieland, The Beauty Inside, A Werewolf Boy, Chasing, Signal, and Criminal Minds."

"Hmmm, let's watch Train to Busan."

I put the disk in the dvd player and turned on the tv. He had unwrapped himself from the blanket so we could share it. 

Time Skip to Doctor's Office

"They both seem to be in good shape considering the circumstances. Besides the bumps and bruises they are in good condition. Though Yugeom is underweight, it can be easily fixed by consuming at least 2 of these weight gain bars a day. If he's consistent, it should only take 2 to 3 weeks to get him up to the right weight."

"So there's no other problems?"

"That is correct."

"That's great. I was so worried."

"See mom, I told you."

"They can take these painkillers every 4 hours or as needed."

"Thank you doctor."

When we got to the car my mom turned around pulled us into tight hug. She was sniffling against my shoulder.

"Mom we're ok. Everything's ok now."

She pulled back and wiped at her eyes.

"Let's go to Mapo Sutbul Galbi. Let's get some beef."

I let out a cheer and got in the car with Yugyeom following suit.


Hi! It's been a while. I really don't know why I even wrote this chapter cause it's more of a filler but I'm pretty sure the rest of the chapters are going to be about them healing and what not. Hope you like it though.

Till next time my Lovelies.

Live your life as you want and ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.

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