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Jaebum's POV:

I woke up to my super annoying alarm clock. New house, new city, new school, and new people. Fuck I hate new people. I got up and started getting ready for the day. I picked black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Such variety. I put in my earrings. I looked in the mirror. 

"Damn I look good." I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Are you talking to yourself again? You weirdo"


"Sorry Sorry. It was just a question. Anyways hurry up and eat breakfast. We have to go soon."


I jogged down the stair getting ready to plea my case on why I should be home schooled.

"I am not home schooling you. So don't waste your breathe. And please please for the love of all that is good stop getting into fights!"

"I make no promises. You know people are assholes and sometimes I have to knock some sense into them."

"At least try to knock some sense into them in private or at least without them needing to be admitted to a hospital"

"Fine I'll try to knock less sense into them."

"Thank you! Now eat!"

After we finished eating we headed out the door. She dropped me off a block away from school because she was running late. I walked in and went to the office to get my schedule. After I got my schedule I started walking around to try to find my classes. I wasn't actually going to got to the first 2 until tomorrow. 

Time Skip

As I was rounding the corner I suddenly tripped. When I got my bearings I looked back to see a kid in a sweater and jeans with glasses looking at me in a panic.

"I'm sorry! Are you ok?"

I managed to get up.

"It's fine kid. I'm alright. Just try not to sit in the middle of the walk way like that again, ok?"


"What's your name kid?"

"Yugyeom. Yours?"

"Jaebum. I'm new."

"It's nice to meet you. Well Jaebum I have to get going. Don't want to miss 2nd period.

"See you around kid."

"See yah" He gave a smile before running off

I shook my head as I watched him the other way. Then I headed to 2nd period.

3 Hours Later (Lunch Time)

After 4th period I made my way to the cafeteria. So far 3 douches tried to befriend me and 5 chicks have hit on me, too bad I'm gay. I got my food and walked outside. After I was done eating and killed some time reading I headed back to the building. On my way I heard some groans and thuds behind the dumpster. When I went to investigate I say 3 guys taking turns beating up some kid.

"What did we tell you about the homework faggot! (I hate that word. I cringe just thinking about it.)

"Only A's" He responded.

"So then how come I got a B+ on the last essay? Huh?"

"Well let's see. You and I have the same English class meaning I also had to write my own essay and an essay for each of your goons. I mean I have to sleep sometimes, right?"

I chuckled at that. Kid had guts. One of the guys turned to look at me.

"You think he's funny?"

"Yeah I do. I mean if he's still able to have an attitude with you then you're not doing it right."

"You want to give it a shot? This little bitch never seems to learn his lesson."

I walked up to them. I couldn't see the boys face because his hair was covering it. I knew he could see me though

I lifted my fist but I swung at what seemed to be the leader of the 3 douches. I punched him in the nose, kicked the one on his right in the crotch, and punched the one on his left in the stomach. 

"You really shouldn't pick on someone if they're not willing or able to fight back."

I took the kids arm and lead him away from those 3 idiots. I didn't feel like he should go to class so we headed for the gates of the school. Once went through the gates I turned to him.

"You really should fight back. Otherwise they'll just keep picking on you."

He kept looking at the ground.

"Are you deaf or something?"

He still wouldn't look at me so I forced his face up to look at me. I realized that it was the kid from earlier except he had a busted lip this time. I tried to joke with him

"A thank you would be nice. If I hadn't saved you back there they would have crushed 4 inches from you."

"Thank you but I would have been fine. I'm used to it anyways."

But he didn't seem to appreciate it. His mood change caught me a bit off guard.

"Hey what happened to that smile from earlier huh? If you let every asshole in the world take it then you'll eventually forget how to smile."

"I have to go."

He turned to leave but I didn't want to leave him alone while he was in this mood. I grabbed his arm before he could take a step.

"At least show me the best places to eat here. I'm hungry."

"Fine. I'll show you the cafe and the bakery. But that's it."

And so we started the journey towards food.


I don't know why I'm starting this when I can barely keep up with the ones I already have but the idea just happened so why the hell not.

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

I will try to update regularly

Till next time :)

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