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*Trigger Warning**Slight Mention of Abuse*(not a lot. It just states that there was. Eventually there may be flashbacks, but in later chapters)

Yugyeom's POV:

When I woke up the bed Jaebum was no where in sight. I can't believe that he saw me that way. If it hadn't been for feeling a little weak I would have left. I can't stay. My dad's going to freak, but if I stay out any longer it will only make it worse. I got up and changed into the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I had my fingers crossed for Jaebum to be in the kitchen or the bathroom so that I would be long gone by the time he noticed. Luck was not on my side. He came walking into the living room just as I was getting to the door.

"Well I was going to go get you for breakfast but I see that you're already escaping."

"Um... well... it's just that..."

He lifted his hand up to stop my stumbling mouth.

"I will feed you breakfast and then I will drive you home."

I hung my head in shame. He didn't say it but I could tell that he was disappointed that I tried to sneak out. We ate I silence. I could feel his eyes burning hole in my skull making sure that I ate something. I only finished half before I decided that it was enough. When he finished he grabbed his keys and his jacket and we were off. 

On the drive there I had my head leaned against the window. He didn't say anything but he did hold my hand. I was dreading the end but I knew that I would have to get back to reality at one point. The truth is that I enjoyed my stay at their house more than I let on.

When we got to my house he turned off the engine but made no move to get out. He let out a sigh and moved in his seat so that he was looking at me. 

"Look I'm not happy about bringing you here since I'm pretty sure that I know what's going on in there but I need a couple days before I can get you out of there. No longer than 3 days."

I felt like I wasn't breathing. 

"If in the next 3 days you feel that things are worse or you can't be there for that much longer than call me and I'll get you. Just hang in there. I'll be by later to go to that carnival by the water front. Okay?"

I nodded silently. I was a little shocked that he was thinking about this. I went to get out of the car. He gave my hand a final squeeze and sped off once I got to my door. I saw that my dad's car was missing so I would be fine for a few hours. I walked in and went up to my room. I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. After that I slumped on the bed that was almost too small for me. I fell asleep soon after.

4 Hours Later

The doorbell woke me up. I knew that it wasn't my dad because he has keys. We don't have a peep hole in the door so when I opened it I was shocked. In front of me stood my ex-boyfriend. The one who abused me, broke my heart, and then stomped on it. Park Jinyoung. 

"Well aren't you going to let me in?"

He made a step for the door but closed it enough so that there was no way around me. 

"W-w-what are y-you doing h-h-here?"

"What does it look like? I'm here visiting an old friend. Now let me in."

I thought about Jaebum in that moment. I couldn't let Jinyoung scare me.

"We're not friends and you're not coming in."

He tried to push me aside and get in.

"Let me in you little bitch!"


He pushed us in and tried to shut the door but someone's foot got in the way. When I looked up from the floor I saw Jaebum glowering at Jinyoung. 

"Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?"

"None of your fucking business. What are you, his body guard?"

Jaebum grabbed Jinyoung by his collar and neck and pushed him against a wall.

"I'm his boyfriend. Now I suggest you leave before I leave an indent of you face in the wall.

Jinyoung pushed Jaebum off and scoffed. 

"Whatever. I don't need this. You can't be around all the time. The moment you're gone, he's mine."

He walked out and slammed the door behind him. Jaebum turned around and step towards me. I took a step back for each step forward that he made. Which was stupid because soon enough I was trapped between his body and the wall behind him. 

His arms came up to trap me further.

"H-h-hey" I wasn't nervous that he was angry. But that he was this close right now. It's not even the first time he's gotten this close but the moment seems more intense.

"So who was that person that I wanted to beat the shit out of?" He asked in a low voice.

I looked down and mumbled.

"That was my ex-boyfriend."


I could tell he wanted me to tell him about it. He always wants to know everything.

"We started dating 3 years ago. He wasn't very nice but it was because I didn't really deserve someone who was nice. After a year I found out he was cheating on me and I confronted him about it but he just laughed and told me that he had to or he would lose his mind. So he dumped me for the other person and left. It's been 2 years since I've seen him. That's why I'm so... guarded I guess."

He was staring at me with wide eyes. I tried to duck under his arm to move away but he just lowered it. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly with his chin on the top of my head. 

"You know, that's the most you've said to me in one go."

I was unamused.

"Let's go we've got a carnival to get to. And if he ever bothers you, you call me, kick him in the balls, and wait for me to get there so I can beat the shit out of him. Yeah?"

I nodded quickly and kissed his cheek, before freeing myself from his hold and running to his car. 


Well I'm a freaking liar. Guess I didn't feel like making it fluffy. I tried to but when I was typing my mind just kind of went 'write some dramatic shit'. So there I was writing dramatic shit. It's been so long since I've updated and I'm sorry for that. This is my 2nd to last week of school so after I'm free I should be able to write more. But I probably won't update until then. Hope you liked the chapter though!

Till next time my Lovelies. Stay safe. Stay you. Don't let anyone tell you who you are because that is entirely up to you. <3

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