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"I won't let you be alone anymore"

Yugyeom's POV:

After that I ran home. How could someone just say something like that? People don't understand what they're words mean anymore. One must not trust the words of a stranger. 

But what if he meant it? No! Last time someone said something like that I was left to pick up the pieces of my heart. I must not let my guard down no matter what. My stomach growled. I haven't eaten all day. I can eat something small so that I don't get dizzy. He's not home yet so it's safe. I walked downstairs and found a granola bar. This should hold me off till tomorrow. I heard footsteps outside. I recognized the sound of that drunken stumble. I sprinted up the stairs and locked my door. I didn't need to lose my ability to walk for tomorrow. I needed to go to school. 

I heard footsteps stomp up the stairs. Then the banging on my door followed.

"Hey f**got! What did I tell you about cleaning the house?! I work my ass off all day the least you could do is clean the f**king house. "

"Work your ass off? Ha! You spend most of the day at the pub anyways. And for you information I have schoolwork to do. Which is way more important than taking care of this shit hole."

"Open this door!"


This is how the rest of my night went until he went to bed. I finally fell asleep at 4 with his words haunting my mind I won't let you be alone anymore.

When I woke up for school 2 hours later my dad was already gone. I picked up an apple from the kitchen and headed out the door. What I didn't expect was to see Jaebum leaning against a black car with the passenger door open. 

When he noticed that I was there he let out a wide smile. I looked down and tried to walk away. Before I could though he grabbed my hand and tugged me towards him. 

"I told you very clearly that being alone wasn't going to happen anymore. Including on the way to school. Besides losers walk and my best friend isn't a loser."

"Who said I was your friend?"

"Me. I even typed out a birth certificate of our friendship and laminated it."

He presented me with a piece of laminated paper with yesterday's date and 2 badly drawn figures in crayon which I think it's safe to assume that it's us.

I let out a snort.

"Ok I know I'm not Picasso but it's not terrible. So don't laugh."

"It looks ok."

"Great because I made you a copy! One for me, one for you, and one to put in the file."


"Yes file. Important things always have files. Like marriage or patients. This is more like a marriage though."

"Yeah ok. I have to go now."

"No. You are going to ride the car with me. Pretty Please? With a cherry on top!"


I tried walking away again. He sighed from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw him walking towards me. Next thing I know I'm being lifted onto his shoulder.

"You left me no choice. Now I feel like I'm kidnapping you. But honestly if I were to kidnap you we would not be going to school. Oooh maybe we can get ice cream afterwards." 

He started walking to his car. When we got there he opened the door and set me on the passenger seat. Closed the door before I could react and ran to his side. When he got in he locked the doors saying that he didn't want me jumping out of a moving car. And off we went.

When he parked the car, the doors unlocked out, and I just about jumped out of the car but seeing as he was taller he managed to get to me before I could run off. He wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned us against the passenger door..

"You know I've never had a friend before so I'm not exactly sure how this works. A warning though; I might be really clingy. My mom says it's a family trait. We are just on time for school or as I like to call it The Institute of crushed dreams. What's your first period?"

I found it useless to ignore him. He won't leave me alone if I do.


"Ew. Well let's go."

"You don't even have that class. Why are you walking me there? Do you even know where your going?"

"I want to walk you there. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do as your Hyung? Yes as a matter of fact I do. I walked around the school for the first 2 hours on my first day. Now I have a mental map of every inch of this school except for the basement. 

"Aigo you're so pushy. Fine but if we get lost you'll have to take the blame."

"That's fine. When my mom finds out that I made a friend she might even make me a feast.

"Have you really never had a friend before? That's sad."

"How can you be so rude to someone older than you?"

"I believe in earned respect, not unconditional respect just cause one has lived a little longer than me."

Jaebum's POV:


"That's only for people close to my age. Adults get unconditional but they can lose it if they're mean."

"You should meet my mom. She'd like you a lot. Come over to my house tonight. Yeah?"

"I don't know. I don't even know you that well anyways. Why would I meet your mom right now?"

"Does that mean you want to get to know me more?"

"I didn't say that."

"Don't be so cold. She would love to have someone else to spoil. She's like that. Please?"

He stared up at me whilst I was making puppy eyes.


"Fine. Only for a little bit.

"Daebak. I'll let my mom know. What would you like to eat?"

"Whatever is fine. I'm not picky."

"Well we're here. Bye."

I snuck a kiss on hi head and sped walked away before he could scold me. I did it so that people would know not to mess with him anymore. I can't wait to take him home to meet my mom. She'll be so proud that I finally made a friend. With that thought I went off to English.


Guys and Gals I feel so terrible for not updating in forever and I'm sad to say that I won't be able to for a week or 2 at least because I got grounded for the most ridiculous reason ever. And so now my mom plans on hiding my laptop from me for a week or 2. I promise that I will update as soon as I can. She'll hopefully get over it on her own or I'll have to figure some stuff out. 

I wanted to post this chapter before I went into my internet ban punishment. 

Love you guys and gals

Till next time my Lovelies. Stay safe. Stay you. Don't let anyone tell you who you are because that is entirely up to you. <3

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