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Warning: Vulgar language (the f word. I'm using both but obviously one is worse than the other.) and violence.

Jaebum's POV:

My mom and I jumped into the car and sped to his house. She was on the phone with the police.

"Where is the house?"

"It's xxxx xxst on xxxx ave."

"My son got a panicked call from his boyfriend. His father hits him and we need someone over there now! Please! Yes. We're on our way there right now."

She hung up the phone and started biting at her nails nervously.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"He didn't want anyone to know. I was trying to get everything ready and then I was going to tell you."

I left it at that and focused on driving. Once we got there I heard yelling and things smashing around inside the house. I jumped out of the car and up the drive way. When I got to the door I heard him wailing. I jiggled the door knob but it was locked. I slammed into the door until the hinges came undone and the door gave out.

When I ran through the doorway I saw Yugyeom on the floor with ton of bruises on his arms and legs and some on his face and his father standing over him ready to throw another punch. I grabbed his arm before he could swing and shoved him against a wall. I could smell the booze on his breathe. I pinned him to the ground with his arms behind his back.

"What kind of sick fuck are you that you would beat up your own kid?"

"Get off me you fucking f**got!"

He started struggling and almost knocked me off of him but he was too drunk to actually succeed. When I looked over at Yugyeom I saw that he was cowering in a corner. I called for my mom to come in and get him out of here.

She came running in with a baseball bat. If it wasn't for the situation I would have laughed. I gestured for her to go to Yuggy. She got him to stand up and tug him out of there but he wouldn't budge.

"Yugyeom go! I got this."

"No hyung! You're going to get hurt!"

At that point he was wailing again. He scampered to me so I grabbed him and kissed him deeply before whispering that I was sorry and knocking him out by his pressure point.

I signaled for my mom to drag him out. I got distracted with making sure they got out and before I knew it, he threw off of him and got up to kick me in the stomach.

He got a couple more kicks in to my stomach and once on my face. My nose is definitely broken. I got up as I saw him trudging out of the hallway and into the living room. 

I was stopped short when I was met with a pistol pointed at me. I was trying to figure out the likely hood of getting shot if I tried to run. I held my hands up and tried to stall, as best as I could with his drunk ass, until the cops show up.

"Look man. I just came to get Yugyeom. My mom and I will take him home and you'll never have to see us again."

"That's not how this works. He deserves what he got and nothing else. And now you're going to suffer for getting involved with such a pathetic miserable piece of shit like him."

That got my blood boiling, but I couldn't do anything about it right now. But oh lord is he gonna regret his words. 

I squeezed my eyes shut when I saw him put his finger on the trigger. I braved myself for the pain but I was saved by the pounding of fast footsteps and officers yelling at him to put the gun down. Once he caved I was escorted out while he got cuffed.

When I got to the front yard, I was forced to stumble backwards by the force of Yugyeom's body colliding with mine. He was sobbing on my shoulder. I pushed him back to get a good look at him and to assess his injuries.

"Hey hey hey. Shhh. I'm ok. Everything's ok. We're gonna take you home and you never have to deal with this shit again. Okay?"

He nodded frantically and threw himself at me again. I saw the cops walking his dad out of the house, so I made sure Yugyeom was only looking at me. I was focused on keeping calm until he started yelling slurs at us again. I charged at him but before I could get my hands on him, he was punched. In the face. By my mom.

"You will never lay a hand on either of them ever again. And I swear that if you ever get out of prison, I will make your life a living hell! You're going to wish you had never existed once I'm done wreaking havoc on you!

The police pushed him in the squad car and asked my mother for her statement on the incident. Once he was done, he came over to tell me to email him mine and Yugyeom's statements to him.

"Take good care of him kid. He's gonna need it."

"I will."

I led Yugyeom to the car and held him in the backseat while my mom drove. He stopped crying but he was still shaking a little. When we got home I got him some clothes to wear for the night.

"Is anyone hungry?"

I nodded eagerly and turned to find that Yugyeom was also nodding.


"Yes please."

While my mom went to order a buffet of Chinese food, I settled on the couch with Yugyeom pressed against my side. I could tell that he wasn't quite ready to talk about it so I turned on the TV to distract him. We sat down at the table once the food arrived. 

Watching Yugyeom eat and relax a bit reassured me that we can get through this. As long as we have each other, we'll be just fine.


Sorry this took forever. My laptop broke so I've been working on this with my tablet but it's a lot harder to type a story without a laptop. Honestly the last paragraph sounds like this is the last chapter and maybe this would be a good place to end it at, buuut I've never been one to know my limits so this is not the end of this story. I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Till next time my Lovelies. Stay safe, stay you, and don't let anyone tell you who you are because that is entirely up to you.

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