Part 3

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Chapter 3

Daniel pov

It's been 3 months , 3 freaking months , she was in a coma that long , hazar , I got her name from her friend .. I trasfered her to a special suite that allows her family and friends to see her through the window without disturbing her , I was looking at her throught that window , standing alone in the corridor ,I was checking on her in the last few months she wasn't bad or good she was just stable which is driving me crazy , I felt a hand on my sholder I turned and saw my buddy Carter " hey " he said gently " how's she doing ?" he asked ,I told him about hazar the day of her accident we were in a bar and was drinking heavily ," she is ok , nothing really new " I said , " well why aren't you inside doing your job , helping her ?" he wondered ," I donno " I said sadly , " she is your patient ,isn't she ? " he asked " well yeah she is , but ,,,," I was cut off by him " no buts come on go in and do your job ...uhh I need to go now " he said after checking his watch "Jenna is waiting for me it's already 10:30 ,now go in " he pushed me to the door , " okaay I ll go in " I said as he said goodbye and left I took a deep breath and walked in , she was sleeping peacefully she looked .. Beautiful , I got closer and started doing my usual work , she was making good progress today she was breathing on her own so I removed the breathing mask , once I was done I pulled a chair and sat next to her I took her hand in my hand and gently kissed her knukles and then I touched her soft cheek then I trailed my hands on her forhead moving some of her dark silky hair and was tempted to kiss her right there , I leaned in and kissed her there , then touched her forhead with mine " please open your eyes or ...or at least give me a sign ,, please " I begged her , then I pulled away and I felt a faint squeeze on my hand I was thrilled , I couldn't believe what just happened " oh thank God " i spent the night there thinking about her and when will it be the time for her to finally open her eyes .

Hazar pov

I felt numb , I couldn't move anything in my body , it feels that it's been along time since I moved my body or even saw the light , I was surrounded by darkness for a long time now but I can't bear it anymore , suddenly I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand and that when I felt a power go through me faintly I tried to hold to it but I couldn't , I felt sad that I couldn't move anything and felt helpless after what seemed like hours the power came again but this time stronger and I hold on to it and slowly I regained my energy , only to feel my senses again I heard some soft snoring followed by a beeping sound I pushed my self a little harder to open my eyes and when I finally did , it was blurry in the beginning I blinked few times till it got clearer I looked around me and noticed that I was in a very elegant room and that I was surrounded by machines , guess I'm in a hospital , then I finally noticed that there was someone , a man actually , sitting next to me on a chair , he was very handsome he had long dark hair that curled at the ends and dark eyebrows strong chin and high cheek bones his skin was lightly tanned and very smooth I reached out to touch him when I noticed that there was an IV attached to my hand , I hate needles so I panicked only to have the beeping sound increase which woke the man up startled " oh God " he said , once I looked in his eyes I got lost in those blue oceans they were so blue and clear , as clear and the sky he seemed to stare at me as I did to " hazar ?" he whispered "your .. Your awake!" he said smiling his smile that blinded me " say something ? " asked a little frustrated , I was thirsty and my throat was dry ," uhhh ... Umm who's hazar ? " I asked

Daniel pov

"who's hazar ?" she looked at me weirdly , ooo NO!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2010 ⏰

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