A warm welcome

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A young guy just moved in down the street, and the first time I saw him I thought damn! I mean he was the most gorgeous creature I’d ever laid eyes on!

 The next day I stopped on my way home from school just to get aquatinted, he answered the door, I could tell he was around my age, scanning my eyes up and down his figure he was wearing a rumpled tee and tight jeans his hair messy but he totally owned it.

“Hi? Can I help you?” he asked, dear god his voice... It was the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard...

“Um hi... I live down the street... I...I ... just wanted to... welcome you to the neighbourhood... WELCOME!” I said a little too enthusiastically, urgh now he’s gonna think I’m a twat I face palmed groaning out in frustration at my stupidity.  

“Ok thanks” I could hear him chuckling, great just great I definitely made a twat out of myself...well done me, sighing I decided it was time for me to go before I made a bigger twat bag out of myself.

“Hey, you want a drink?” he asked

Dropping my hands from my face I grinned nodding in response, I’d hadn’t scared him off! Success! Well it was before I opened my mouth again

“Water if you got it...” then I groaned internally at my stupidity once more! Of course he had water!! Urgh this is not going well for me

He raised an eyebrow at me, which totally made my dick twitch

“Hmm I don’t know we might be all out of that” his voice dripping with sarcasm

I laughed sheepishly as he turned around and headed back indoors I took the opportunity to check out his ass which was pretty fine, in a few seconds he returned regarding me with a smirk on face, I returned his look with a ‘what?’

“You gonna just stand there? Or are you actually gonna come in?” he raised his sexy eyebrow at me and I got the feeling I was blushing as I bustled in pass him which again had him chuckling at me!

Leading me into the kitchen I noticed boxes everywhere some unpacked others still taped,

“Movings a bitch, my mum's out getting stuff for the house” he said while pouring me a glass of water I nodded in response then curse myself internally since he of course couldn’t see me with his sexy back to me.

Handing me my drink I asked his name


Seth... hmm Seth...

“What’s yours sexy?”

“Luke” I replied

Taking a sip of water I processed what he said... sexy? He called me sexy?! Holy shit! I spat my water out choking myself...

“Luke!” Seth rushed to my side patting me on the back while I practically died on his kitchen floor breathing in and out slowly I managed calm myself down

“Luke!? Shit. Are you alright?”

I couldn’t speak so I nodded, but was I really alright? I mean Seth was right next to me his arm still round me and taking in a deep breath I got a whiff of his scent, he smelt like... ‘Sniff’ ...like mint ... hmm...

“Did you just sniff me?”

Shit shit shit!

“Uh... no...?” I blushed furiously my eyes focusing on the tile flooring

“Oh really now?”

I risked a glance; great he was smirking down at me ok I can handle that as long as he doesn’t raise tha-

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