He expelled a long breath, stretching his arm past his head. He leaned one way, then the other. It was well past the time for sleep. His drive to work was only beginning to start up. Where had this hobby of reading been all his life? Locked away by the hate he endured? The neglect of his teachers and any relation he had?

No. Naruto had long ago vowed to not be bitter, or resentful.

Konoha was its people, and it was his duty to protect them, not hate them. Despite that he was well within his right to hate the villagers, Naruto knew he could not.

He grabbed a fresh notebook, binded by black leather. On to the next one, he thought.


Sasuke was first to arrive at the Hokage's office less than a week later. The Sandaime hadn't mentioned the reason for the summonings in the message he received by a hawk. He was usually still asleep at this time, or up for an early training session with Naruto. Speaking of, the loud blond was not even here yet, even though he was usually the first to arrive.

Inwardly, he snorted, glad to outdo his friend.

The Hokage sat patiently, smoking his pipe and breezing through some paperwork. After completing a stack, the old man looked up.

"Please go look for your friend, Sasuke-kun," he ordered, sounding amused. Sasuke twitched. But he made no comment, and so he shunshinned away.

He arrived before Naruto's apartment door. Without knocking, he barged in.

The curtains were shut, leaving the living room only slightly lit. He opened them, thinking all the time, why is the Dobe still asleep?

Sasuke walked purposefully to the blond's room. He went straight in and looked to the bed where there was a bundle of unmoving blankets.The mound rose almost unnoticeable, first from the disturbance that Sasuke created, then smaller movements. Peaceful breathing.

Sasuke huffed. He went up to Naruto and forcibly removed the cover. Naruto shot awake, sitting up and twisting around with bleary eyes. He blinked the sleep away and finally noticed Sasuke.

The Uchiha was not pleased.

"How come you were sleeping? We got a summons almost an hour ago!" he demanded. Naruto's eyes widened with surprise.

He scrambled around the room moments later, jumping into an acceptable outfit.

"I was up all night, reading," he said apologetically, then grabbed Sasuke's arm.

Sasuke found himself before the Sandaime once more. Naruto repeated the same excuse to his grandfather figure.

"Well, I called you here to make a request," Hiruzen began. "At the reports of many shinobi, including your brothers, I have decided to give you a promotion."

Sasuke saw excitement flash on the other's face. He became curious.

"You two will graduate from the genin rank to part of the ANBU force."

"Really!?" Sasuke sniggered at Naruto's outburst.

"Yes, do you accept?" the Hokage asked. He quickly nodded. Naruto did too, quite sporadically. He was grinning from ear to ear. Sasuke smiled too. They were one step further in their plans.

"ANBU Kitsune," Hiruzen passed a fox mask to Naruto, then turned to him. "ANBU Taka." A mask designed like a hawk was placed in Sasuke's hand. I actually cannot believe it, he thought. He was hawk in ANBU and could summon Garuda, also a hawk.

"You will be part of a squad under ANBU Inu," the Sandaime went on. So, Kakashi's team. "Most of his team is retiring or being reassigned, so it will be you three as well as ANBU Itachi." Now Sasuke had to raise an eyebrow. An entire squad consisting of close family. But he didn't complain. The tight bond between them will make them stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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