Chapter 24 Babies Weddings and Relationships

Start from the beginning

"Um excuse me, are you Louis" the older lady said as Louis turns around

"Yes I am Louis:

"Im sorry my name is Barbara and i love the decorations and everything you have done, Niall told me that you plan all the family events and was wondering if you had a business card, my grandaughter is having a baby and I wanted to know if you would be willing to plan her baby shower"

"well I have only done my families parties but I am not professional party planner, but i could help if you want, i can give you my phone number, but after this I am also planning a wedding next month but call me we can go over some ideas next week" Louis says as he reaches for Barbara's cell phone and punches his phone number and name and gives it back to her, she kindly thanks him and walks away

"well maybe you should start your own party planning business" Harry says as he kisses louis on his temple

"i have been thinking about it but I am scared to fail"

"baby we are all scared to fail, like me when I release a new song or album I am always scared that the fans won't like it and I fail" Harry says" but if you don't take the leap then you will never  and you never want to have any what ifs or regrets"

"I know your right, but its still scary, but I also love to teach and don't want to give up teaching"

"well how about, you continue teaching and do party planning on the side, i mean we don't really need the money but you can take on clients you want and work when you want to, but keep your teaching job, do what you feel will make you happy, I will support you in what ever you want to do" Harry says

"yeah lou you do amazing work, we will all support you in what ever you want to do, and we will all help you I mean as long as you pay us of course" Mike says as he starts laughing

"and Lou Jessie and I can be your assistants and the boys can be your muscle" Perrie says" now you have a full staff, think about it"

"um i guess you all are right, ok I'll do it I have been thinking about for a while and even have a name "Louis says as everyone starts asking what the name is" I thought of "FAMILY EVENT PLANNING" since it all started with family i thought the name would fit the business and since now everyone involved is family"

"i love that idea, you business mission statement can be like, "it all starts with family"  so what do you think" Nick says

"i love it, ok well,I guess we are starting a business, but first let me get more pictures to start a website and stuff, but thank you all" Louis says and as the party goes on they start to play games, cut the cake and open all the presents, Niall and Liam thanks everyone for the gifts and for joining them to celebrate their daughter, Nialls parents say somethings about Niall and Liam and Liams parents do the same, Louis asks if anyone else wants to make a speech and Mike and jessie get up and take the microphone

"well, as most of you know that Jessie and I are engaged and well there is a long running curse that when a couple gets engaged they are either pregnant or will become" Mike says and by those few words that mike says everyone already guessed what was coming because they are all laughing" and with Niall and Liams permission and since the whole family is her, Well jessie is expecting our first child together and yes we are engaged, so the curse is real" Mike says as everyone rushes to congratulate them

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