Chapter 20 Wellington

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Louis and Harry's flight landed in Cheshire at 2 in the after noon and they  got a car service to take then home. they got to Jays house at 2:30 and Harry texted Zayne, and Niall that they were there already, they go into the house and everyone is excited to see each other all the kids run to play with the other and Louis and Harry go to the guest house followed by Anne and Jay

"Alright spill everything" Jay says

"what are you guys talking about" Louis says confused looking at each other

"well Anne do you want to start with your son or should I start with mine" Jay says

"well lets give them one last chance" Anne says Looking at both of them" Well talk"

"Seriously what have you two been smoking" Louis says

"Harold, spill" Jay says sternly

"I have no idea what you both are talking about" Harry and Louis looking at Jay and Anne like 2 toddlers caught with their hand in the cookie jar

"Ok" Anne says" I will start then since you both are stupid"

"what are you both talking about" Louis says still not knowing what either mom is talking about

"no anne wait lets have a bit of fun with this" Jay say "Lou Baby can you go get me a glass of water before we start please and bring one for Anne"

"Fine" Louis says as he rolls his eyes making his way to the kitchen

"harry, son do you notice anything different about the way louis is walking" Anne says

"FUCK" Both Louis and Harry say at the same time under their breaths as Louis comes back with 2 glasses of water and hands them to anne and Jay

"Lets sit and talk yeah boys" Anne says

both looking at Louis wince as he sits confirming their suspicions and Louis swear he is going to kill Harry and both moms are now laughing as they talk into each others ears

"Ok boys last time, spill" Anne says

"Mom we have no idea what you are trying to say"

"Well jay I guess they are going down kicking and screaming" Anne says" Ill go first and then you can finish yeah"

"deal, this is going to be so much fun" jay says

"well boys remember we are your mothers and we know everything you do, you can not keep any secrets from us, harry tell me what is that on your jaw, did you fall and hit yourself"

"Fuck" harry says swearing to himself that he is going to kill louis

"Ohh and there's one behind your ear and I bet you Jay $200 that if I pull up Harrys shirt we will see a trail of markings down his chest leading to goD knows where, what do you say Jay feeling Lucky"

"Ok but Anne I will bet you that if I pull up Louis shirt he will have the same trail, I will bet you hmm let me see how about $500 payable by Mr Styles himself"

"Ok Jay its a deal" Anne says " But why Harry"

"you know how much I love taking Harry's money" Jay says as both moms walk up to  their sons and sure enough their chest full of hickeys going from their collar bones all the way to their waist and maybe lower but both mom don't even want to ask

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