She pressed her palm against his largest laceration and held it there for a few excruciating moments. Abraxsis tried his best not to scream too much, but the agony had gotten the best of him. Lúthien had managed to close it, the others not a severe could wait momentarily.

"Abraxsis, I should stitch the others. I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't have time to wait around for my skin to mend itself. Go on, I'll manage."

"I shouldn't, I'll find another way." She began to turn, but he took hold of her arm

"Lúthien." Abraxsis paused "Please."


Abraxsis had endured a great deal of pain, Lúthien didn't want him to suffer too much, so she put him in a deep sleep with her magic. His wings would take a considerable amount of time to heal, even with her powers it would take some time.

He lay asleep on the healing table, both wings torn and bloody. As they once were, back in the caverns beneath the mountain. She would heal them again, even if it took her forever.

After hours of work, Lúthien smiled down at her friend. With the help of her magic, Abraxsis was healing quite well. She was relieved, knowing that he'd be alright.

King Thranduil came walking into the healing room not long before Lúthien began to mend one of Abraxsis's wings. He could see how weary and exhausted she was, yet she never stopped. Not to rest, to drink or eat, not even to look up at him.

He watched observantly as she smiled in relief. Her friend would live, and a muscle absentmindedly ticked in Thranduil's jaw.

"This thing of yours-what is he?"

"This thing has a name, your grace." Lúthien replied without ever pausing to acknowledge him

"And what might that name be?"

"His name is Abraxsis and he's not a thing. He's a dragon and deserves nothing but utter respect." Her tone was sharp, despite being completely drained of energy

"My apologies, I meant no disrespect-"

"It's exactly what you meant. You shouldn't speak of him with such disgust."

"You care for the creature then?"

"Of course I do, he's the only reason I was able to escape the god forsaken valley alive." She slowly turned to face him "I owe this creature my poor, miserable, broken life! Like I said before your Highness, you have no idea what happened beneath that mountain."


"We'll go as soon as Abraxsis is well enough to travel. I can't afford to be run down outside of these walls, there are people out there who need to know what's happening." She said getting back to her friend

"They've already been warned."

"I'm sorry?"

"I've sent my riders to inform the other kingdoms about this sorceress you speak of. So you needn't rush yourself, you know you're always welcome here."

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