Soulmate..? (Megamo X Reader) Part Two

Start from the beginning

"I don't get it." He said and gripped onto his folder that he had with him. He always had something with papers or folders involved, you guess. "Get what?" You said with an annoyed but calmer tone. Suddenly he sticks out his left hand and waves it. The string on was his left hand. On his pinky. You quickly glance at your left hand, with the red string wrapped it around. Connecting both of your strings. Then you looked back up to him, with a "I can't be bothered" expression written on your face. "You and I, we are soulmates. The red string proclaims it so." He said smoothly and suddenly you froze.

On the outside, you did your best to calm down. You looked chill still, but you felt sweat drops everywhere on your skin. Inside you were freaking out, like someone just told you the secret of lie itself. Which is 42, you told yourself. Looking up a bit, you see his confused yet contempt face, looking at his hand, then you. Play it dumb. Play it dumb, (First Name). "What? Soulmates? Strings? What kinda joke are you pulling on me, Mr. Prez?" You sneer and look up, while he sits down next to you to explain. He seemed less hostile, which made you even more on guard.

"You don't see it? I thought everyone did-" you shot a fake confused look his way. Megamo sighed and held out his gloved hand. "We are going to marry usually by fate. We have a red strings that connect our pinkies on our left hand. Which is strange, but that means we are soulmates. Although I don't know why I'm bound to a complete, immature child." That's where it got you sassy and annoyed. He crossed the line at child. "Well exccccuucuuucccusee me princess. And I don't want to marry an old man." You said and made a terrible pouty face, just to milk it a little more. "Nether less, we should end in good terms, (Your Name). For the future." He stuck out his hand with a tiny hint of irritation.

Full of complete rage for the fact he got you detention,  and probation in clubs that either way you didn't want to join, you gave him a look. But you knew your mother and father would want it to be this way. Plus it could lighten your punishment, take off some restrictions. "Ok Mr. Saikou." You chuckled and reached your hand out, to grab his and firmly shake it. "Now that we are on good terms- you have to buy me a new lunch." You said and pointed to your abandoned, half eaten sandwich. Megamo looked disgusted for a minute and then gave you an "Are you kidding me?" face. Your expression didn't change from your sort of serious one, so he sighed. "Alright fine. I'll take you out to eat since we don't have a cafeteria here." Megamo sighed and took a mental note of that.

"Ahhhhh yes. How does this Saturday at 11:30 AM sound? You can shoot me an email on where we are going since you probably have it somewhere in the records." You were hungry and weren't thinking yet. Megamo nodded and took another mental note. "I'll see you then (Your Name)." He said and got up, waved a formal goodbye and left. Then you watched as some girls squeal as he walked by and watched him scold some students for their uniform. "Sheesh. Whatta nerd." You muttered and then lied back down. Lunch would end in about a solid 10 minutes, so you had time to think and or starve as you watched ants eat your fallen comrade. (Sandwhich san).

"Saturday..Saturday...Saturday...." you repeated and just discussed and re-thought your small conversation with Megamo. All about the red string and how he saw it. Well I mean, you grinned as this was an opportunity to ease your way out of your punishments. Then you thought about how he would treat you to lunch- treat you to lunch. Treat you to lunch. "That's what couples do. THATS WHAT COUPLES AND FRIENDS DO-" you shouted at the tree which didn't respond. Well you guys were soulmates, you didn't know about friends juuust yet. "Oh my god...I just arranged a date old stick in the mud." You slapped your forehead. Your mind set wouldn't change. Not knowing much about Megamo, or his family, you thought this was a dumb idea. He was kinda like a student-stranger or an acquaintance, barely. You also knew some girls would to tear you to shreds. Well that you wouldn't mind. Since girls like that we're easy to tell off.

Suddenly the bell ring, and you ran, monotonously screaming down the small hill. Then continued your classes until it was time to go home. You decided it would be best if no one else knew, so you kept your mouth quiet. Walking home, you pulled out your phone to search for something. Google search something that had to do with Saikou or Megamo. "Saturday. A date with a kid named Megamo. A pretty boy. I bet he isn't even popular in the real world-" You heard a ding when your search was finished. And you ate your words. Oh. You ate them alright.

The words "Saikou Corp." was flashed in tons of searches, Megamo Saikou went to the famous school, Akademi high. Bunches of products by Saikou Corp. You think you even had some products in your house by that same company brand name. You internally sighed. "Oh come onnnnnnn." You groaned and leaned forward; walking home a little slower. Mumbling some things to yourself, you walk home and huff when you arrive at your door. "He at least better treat to me to something good. Or I'll sue." You won't win but you could try at least. Huffing, you walk though your front  door, imaging what school would be like now after the events in the last couple days.

To be Continued....

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