Chapter 24

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"Brother?" asked Luna

"Yeah, bitch, where the fuck his he?! His ki completely disappeared from here and I refuse to believe that you mortal fucks killed him!" shouted Wrath

"Even if we did know, we wouldn't tell you!" shouted Lincoln as he disappeared and punched Wrath in the spine, making a sickening crack 'Wait, that was barely even half my strength, what the hell did that training do?!' he thought as Wrath spun around and brought down his axe, again missing Lincoln, but by mere centimeters

"HOLD STILL FUCKER!" shouted Wrath as he used his weight to shove Lincoln and brought both his axes up. Lincoln used Time-Skip just before the axes hit him and jabbed Wrath a few times in the kidneys and to the sides of his rib cage. He then exited Time-Skip as Wrath instantly felt pain in those places and knelt down "How the fuck did your ass do that shit?" Wrath asked through his teeth

"Time-Skip, now get up... I'm not finished," said Lincoln as Wrath charged at him, only for him to be kicked in the back by a SSP Luna

"Did you really think it would be that easy!" shouted Luna as Lincoln ducked over the flying Wrath that crashed into a nearby forest

"Luna, listen to me, get out of here," said Lincoln

"But bro-"

"No buts! Get out of here and make sure everyone is alright... I can handle this guy," said Lincoln with a smirk

"You sure?" asked Luna

"Yeah I'm sure, NOW GO!" said Lincoln as Wrath came out of the rubble with a war cry and ran at Lincoln. As Wrath did so, Luna and Vegeto fly into the sky and Luna left in a burst of speed "You better live, Lincoln, I would hate to have to die just to kick your ass!" said Vegeto

"Ah shut up, old man, I can handle myself," replied Lincoln with a grin as Vegeto smirked

"Cocky little brat... and you better make it out alive, Luna has had enough sorrow in her life as it is," whispered Vegeto as he diffused into Goku and Vegeta and sped off after Luna. When they were gone, Lincoln put up his arms in an 'X' fashion as Wrath charged into him "ARRGGGGHHH!" shouted Wrath as he continued to charge into Lincoln with no intention of stopping. Lincoln could barely take anymore as he lost his footing and Wrath picked him up into a bearhug and tackled him into the ground. It caused the surrounding area to crack open as Wrath got back on his feet with Lincoln still in his arms and bent backward, planting Lincolns' head into the ground. Wrath then stood up straight as he spun around with a kick, hitting Lincoln in the side of his stomach and sending him flying. Lincoln stopped rolling as he kicked the ground and did several backflips until he landed on his feet. He was breathing heavily as he wipped some blood from his brow "Damn, that guy hits like a truck," he whispered

"YOU STILL ALIVE YOU WHITE HAIRED FUCK? 'CAUSE I STILL NEED YOUR ASS ALIVE TO GET TO MY BROTHER!" shouted Wrath as he charged at Lincoln again. But Lincoln was ready this time as just before Wrath would hit him, Lincoln used Time-Skip and punched Wrath in the throat. His feet went into the air as he gagged, trying to get a breath of air as his back struck the ground. Lincoln, seeing were Wrath was, kicked him away and sent him flying into a mountain. He then took a few breaths as he spotted Wrath come out of the rubble "Oh come on!" said Lincoln in an unhappy tone as Wrath gave another war cry and charged at him again, but this time he had gotten quicker. Lincoln barely had any time to dodge a swing as Wrath kicked him in the chest and hooked his axe on his shoe, bringing him back. Wrath then punched Lincoln in the jaw as he brought the axe holding Lincoln up his leg, slicing flesh. Lincoln winched in pain as Wrath clubbed Lincoln in the side of the head with the blunt end of his axe, sending him away from him. Lincoln grabbed the ground as he leaned on his other leg, taking the pressure off the leg that was just cut "You look like you're about ready to die, or are you going to pussy out like a bitch just like that fat bitch did in Universe 2? What was her name again, I can't remember, but fuck that Universe was fucky as fuck!" said Wrath as he approached Lincoln, twirling his axes in his hands

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