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Note: In English, we say I want to be a doctor. However, in French, we don't use the a. Instead, we say Je veux être médecin.

》Le médecin- doctor

》L'infirmier (male)/ l'infirmière (female)- nurse

》Pompier (m)/ pompière (f)- firefighter

》Le/ la professeur/ prof (common abbreviation)- teacher (secondary/ middle or high school)

》L'instituteur (m)/ l'institutrice (f)- teacher (primary/ elementary school)
----> I've been informed that, though these words are official, they're rarely used; the colloquial way of saying this is "maître (m) or maîtresse (f)"

》Le coiffeur (m)/ la coiffeuse (f)- hairdresser

》Le boulanger (m)/ La boulangère (f)- baker

》Le boucher (m)/ la bouchère (f)- butcher

》L'agriculteur (m)/ l'agricultrice (f)- farmer

》L'ingénieur- engineer

》La secretaire- secretary

》L'avocat(e)- lawyer

》L'acteur (m)/ l'actrice (f)- actor/ actress

》Le chanteur (m)/ la chanteuse (f)- singer

》Le facteur- postman/ postwoman

》Le vendeur (m) / la vendeuse (f)- salesperson

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