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Asher's p.o.v.

The boys and I have figured out how I'm going to introduced to the others again after two months. Their going to invite one in at a time to find something. They're going to get one hint. I will be moving between the boys. But mostly I will be in my room reading a book. Jin came in and helped me into my room. I saw boxes and my room was empty. I frowned knowing they actually thought I was dead and wasn't coming back. I started unpacking quietly then I heard someone next door.

"A present!?" Kookie's voice was so amazing.

Jin snuck into my room without me knowing and wrapped his arms around me. "There's my beautiful baby doll." I smiled when Jin called me beautiful.

I know I'm not. I'm to thin to be anything. I'm a waste of what space I do take up. My face is still bruised slightly due to me not having the correct nutrients in my body to heal the injuries. My scars stand out on my body but it's a war during that time. Jin snapped me back to reality when he told me to hide in my closet and be quiet.

"Jin I'm coming in here to look. It's my second turn all the boys got the hint then gave up. My hint is 'your girl' and all I can think about is Ash." He stood quiet when I had to move because I was sitting on something very uncomfortable.

He opened the doors to my closet and saw me.

Jungkook's p.o.v. 

I felt my knees get weak and my face because wet. She's alive. She's still alive. I grabbed onto her waist and hugged her close to my body because she got down to stop me from crying.

"What's all that noise?" Namjoon ran in here surprised at what he saw. 

"Kookie!" Next was V who started crying as well.

"Why is everyone in the roo-." Jimin was after V like one second after.

"Guys it hurts to be in here. Please it reminds me of her way too much." J-Hope looked at me and his jaw dropped and his tears started slipping.

He was crying more now then when his dad called and said he was proud of his son.

"Guess you guys found the surprise I've been keeping for a couple months to try and get her healthier. Jin was helping but she kept mentioning one name or a nickname. She said she wanted JJ." Suga mentioned and my body tended up and I started crying into her chest and she hugged my tightly.

"JJ is me Suga. Jeong Jungkook. She used to call me that when we were dating. I don't know if she's lost her memory or anything about when we were dating but she was amazing back then. She's been kidnapped once already. This was the second time. First time was by an older gang known as Big Bang. Jiyong said he it had something to do with a contract between him and your guys parents." Suga froze up after I stopped speaking and dialed a number leaving the room.

Asher whimpered in my arms so I laid her and I on her bed. "JJ. I. L-. You." Was what she said, but I couldn't tell if she said love you or I like you.

I was just happy to have her in my arms again. "She needs good Yoongi. Have you still been starving her!" Jimin yelled and Ariel came into the room too and ran up to Ash.

"Let's go get you some clean clothes that you will feel comfortable in girly." She took Asher from my arms and guided her to Jimin and her room.

She lives with us now because she was trying to get spirit into the house. But now that Asher is back hopefully things will kind of go back to normal. Apart from the part where I am going to be super protective over her.

"Kookie we need to talk." Suga motioned me over to his room and I nod and the guys start unpacking Asher's things to make it easier on her.

"Yes Suga?" I shut his door and he sighed rubbing his face.

"I will give you permission on one term." I nod my head waiting for him to continue with his 'speech'. "You have to protect her with your life. After losing her for the first time I can't lose her again. She's way to fragile to be lost. If someone took her and did one wrong move she could be dead." He started tearing up and I haven't seen him cry in a long time. "It's very dangerous for her to be eating but she's so skinny nothing will fit her. So please protect my sister. She's everything to me. I can't lose her." He hugged my waist and I rubbed his back knowing where he was coming from.

"I will protect her. She means a lot to me too Suga. I can't lose her either. Now that we have her back it's security cameras she can't hack into. No physical work for her. She'll stay home with Ariel and I and we will make sure she takes it easy as hell. Nothing to extreme." He nods and his door cracked open.

"Kookie..." Her voice was very quiet but I could hear it.

"Hmm?" I look at her and she steps into her brothers room in a sports bra and shorts.

"Can I borrow a shirt from you. All mine are so big that it will reveal my bra. I want a shirt that won't reveal." She was closer to me then she has been in a long time.

Last time she was this close was the night I kissed her and told her I loved her before I left her and she didn't even know because she was asleep. "Yeah stay here and I will go get you a shirt princess." Her cheeks went a slight pink blushed color.

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