Chapter 2 - An Odd Morning

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Steven opens his eyes, and sits up on the bed. The Crystal Gems haven't returned yet, as nothing had changed in the house.

"Looks like they're still finding Peridot. Ah well, I'll just go and stare at the ocean." said Steven.

Steven goes out the door and goes down to the beach, still feeling very lonely. He then stops to hear the sound of cutting and what sounded like a portal opening and closing. Steven looked around.

"Must be hearing things." said Steven.

He sits down on the sand, and looks at the ocean. Small waves were around the ocean. Seagulls were flying around the sky. Some of the seagulls even came down to Steven and tried to comfort him by hugging him, but it was no use. Steven still wanted a friend to play with.

But then, small bubbles came out of the ocean. The seagulls quickly left, and Steven stood up, in shock. What seems to be coming out of the ocean? He thought to himself.

The bubbles grew bigger and bigger, until what quickly rose out of the waters was a corrupted gem. It looked like a giant stone with so many eyes and tentacle-like arms. Steven screamed in horror as he tries to flee. However, the corrupted gem grabs Steven with his arms. Steven tries to break free.

"Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl! Help!" Steven tries to call, but the Gems don't answer.

The monster roars and is about to eat Steven. Steven closes his eyes in horror that he is about to get eaten. But then, he hears a voice.

"MEGA NARWHAL BLAST!" the voice says. Steven couldn't see who the person was. But he was able to see the narwhal that was about to hit the monster.

The narwhal penetrates the monster's stone body. The monster screams in agony as the tentacle lets go of Steven before the monster falls back into the ocean. Steven screams as he falls face down on the sand. Thankfully, he wasn't injured, though he didn't get up yet.

"Are you okay, kid?" says the voice. Steven looks up to see a blonde teenage girl, appearing to be 14. She was wearing a sea green dress with a white collar on top, lace around the sides and bottom, with a cute squid drawing as the design. She was also wearing pink and orange stockings, and dark purple boots with a rhino design. She also had a star for a small bag and a devil horn headband to finish her appearance.

"I'm fine." said Steven. "You...just saved my life."

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