chapter fifteen

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Dean and Sam continued to stay at Cas's house all week. Things were going fairly well for the Winchester boys for once. They were doing well in school, and they hadn't heard a word from their dad. Dean finally felt like his life was falling into place.

Until things took a turn for the worse.

Dean and Cas were snuggled up in each other's arms in Cas's bed, as they usually were. "Dean, I love you." Cas gently kissed him on the head. "I love you more." Neither of them had been this happy before. They were so in love, nothing else mattered. "Dean, when I go to college, you're coming with me right?" To be honest, Dean hadn't even thought about that. "Um," he hesitated. "Um? Did you just say um?" Dean wasn't sure what to say. "Dean, I thought you loved me?"

He raised his tone. "Cas, I do. More than anything. But you can't just expect me to drop everything and run away with you! I can't leave Sam alone! It's my job to look after him!"

"He can stay here with my mom. She'll take good care of him." They we're both practically in tears. "You can't ask me to do that."

"So that's it then. Three months until we graduate, Dean. You're saying that's all we have left?" Cas rolled over on his side, moving away from Dean. "Cas, we will make it work. I'll visit you, and we can facetime every day."


"No? What do you mean, no?"

"I love you Dean Winchester. I love you so much, I don't think I can handle that. Being away from you will tear me apart. And if you wanna stay here with Sam, that's fine,'re just gonna have to let me go."

"Cas, I can't believe you're making me do this!" Cas didn't respond. "Cas?" Silence. Dean got out of the bed and laid down on the mattress on the floor. "Goodnight, Cas. I love you."


HAPPY 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY DEAN AND CAS (september 18, 2018) !!!!!!!!

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