chapter thirteen

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Dean and Cas stayed up all night, talking to each other. "Dean, what did you tell your dad? Does he know you're here?" Dean was very sensitive when it came to his father, but he felt so comfortable with Cas, he knew he could tell him anything. "He doesn't notice if we're gone. Hell, we could be gone for weeks and he wouldn't even question it."

"Dean, you know you can't go back there. I won't let you." Cas was willing to do everything it took to keep Dean safe. "How did I get so lucky?" Dean said, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm the lucky one." Cas said, returning a kiss on the lips. "Hey, while we're on the subject, when are we going to come out to everyone? Cause I wanna show off my new boyfriend."

"Dean, you're adorable. And we will, when the time is right." Cas didn't know exactly when that time would be, but he wasn't ready quite yet. "It's super hot in here," Dean said, out of the blue. "Can I take my shirt off?" Cas chuckled. "Dean, you don't have to ask." Dean sat up and peeled the shirt off of his body.

He laid back down, wrapping his body around Cas. The touch of Dean's hot skin sent chills down Cas's spine. "You should take off your shirt too," Dean muttered. Cas nodded his head and did as he was told. The boys laid back down, pressing their half naked bodies against each other. "Goodnight, Cas."

"Goodnight, Dean."

sorry this was so short !!

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