chapter four

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Although Cas hadn't come out yet, he desperately wanted to tell his mom about Dean. He liked this boy so much it was eating him up inside. "Mom, I made a new friend today," he said, said lying through his teeth. "That's nice, Cas. What's their name?"

"Dean. He's super cool, can he come over tonight?"

"Cas, you're a senior in high school, I don't care if you have friends over." Cas laughed and ran up to his room to text Dean.

cas: hey dean do u wanna come over tonight :)

dean: cas i would love to but i can't something has come up. i'm sorry

cas: aww that's ok. another time

read at 5:14

Cas was worried he had scared Dean away. Was it something he said? Maybe he was rushing things too fast? That night Cas couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed thinking of Dean. He imagined them holding hands, and going on dates. He imagined Dean laying in bed next to him, laying his head on his chest feeling the beat of his heart. He imagined kissing him. Just the thought of it shot electrical sparks throughout Cas's body. He wanted Dean, and he wanted him bad.

Then he thought of all those bruises and scars he had. What were those from? And why was Dean so quiet at school?


Dean ran in front of Sam, blocking him from his dad's punch. John's fist met Dean's face, throwing him to the ground. He used all the strength he had to grab Sam and run to his room. He locked the door, and pushed his dresser in front of it, making sure John couldn't get in. The boys flinched as John pounded on the door. "GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!" Dean held Sam in his arms, trying to comfort him. "It's okay, Sammy."

After thirty minutes of pounding and yelling, it was finally quiet. Dean slowly opened the door to make sure it was safe. He saw his dad passed out on the floor. "Come on Sammy, I'll take you to your room." He grabbed onto Dean's hand and followed him down the hall, stepping over their drunk father.

Once Sam was safely secure, Dean went back to his room. He looked in the mirror and studied his newly formed bruises. Cas will never like me now, he thought to himself. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

cas: hey dean do u wanna come over tonight :)

Although Dean wanted to go more than anything, he knew he could go. He couldn't leave Sammy alone like this. With tears forming in his eyes he responded:

dean: cas i would love to but i can't something has come up. i'm sorry

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