En başından başla

My fist connected to her face numerous of times and all you heard was her calling me out my name, still.

I felt Stephanie pull me off of her and laughing at the same damn time.

I really hate when females make me get out my character.. I don't never give females this type of attention but for the last couple of days I was to fed up to even calm myself down.

"Aight she not even worth it no more, let her live." Steph said.

I fixed my skirt making sure it was evened out and that my buttons were to the front of me. Bitches was all talk but never about that action.

* * *

I was currently holding Stephanie's drink while she went to go used the bathroom, after the little incident earlier I wasn't even in the mood to attend this party no more.

"Damn, shorty got you mad like that.. you need two drinks of Hennessy?"

I looked towards my left and noticed a tall brother with hella tattoos, he had the most pinkest lips and the most gorgeous eyes. The thing that stood out the most was that unibrow. It was a slight turn off.

I looked down at the two shots of Hennessy I held. "One is my friends."

"Oh okay cause I was about to say, your definitely about that life. What's your name?"

"Armanda.. but people call me Manny."

He smiled and nod his head. He leaned up against the fence next to me, watching the party as well.

"My name is David, but people call me Dave.." he said.

I nod my head not really saying anything. It's like I knew how this played out, it was going to be another Chris situation and I don't feel like dealing with this all over again.

It became dead silent and awkward between us, it also seemed like Stephanie was taking years in the bathroom. This better not be a set up.

"So how old are you?" He asked after licking them lips.

"Twenty. You?"


It became silent once again, I was about to move away and tend to something else like a new spot on the fence but he spoke again..

"Where you from?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I asked.

"Because I want to get to know you, is that a problem?" He asked smirking.

I nod, "Aren't I to dark? Or to black for you liking?"

He looked at me like I was speaking a whole other language. I gave him back the same look, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

Dave shrugged and smirked after he took a sip of his drink.

"You know what the say. The Darker The Berry,The Sweeter The Juice. Am I wrong for wanting a taste?"

He took me by the biggest fucking surprise. He wanted a taste of this? Of my rich chocolate ass? I don't know I have to really see about this, I really didn't want to deal with another Chris.

"Ain't nothing wrong with that.."

"So what do you say? Can I get to know you more?"

I laughed and shook my head yes, I gave him my phone number. He assured me he was going to text me later on tonight or tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning though? Sounds to me like he had plans tonight other than this party, if you know what I mean.

"Aight cool. I holla at you later miss Armanda." He winked at me and then went back over to his group of friends.

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