Chapter Forty Eight

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"So we let your friend stay over, we make him breakfast and now you want me to take Regulus into the Ministry with us?" Nelly repeated for the fifth time, almost dropping her spoon in her cereal.

Georgie, rocking a bedhead and flannel pyjamas, gave a sleepy smile and nodded, "That would be brilliant!"

"You can't just do this so unexpectedly."

"Why not?" She sat down on one of the chairs sideways, "You're the Head of the Department, Mum, you don't have a boss."

"That's not quite true. There are still many people higher than me."

"And you can do it, I believe in you!" She said enthusiastically, "What did you say about Mr Lewinsky's bringing tarts into the office yesterday? If he can do that, then you can get me and Regulus in easy peasy."

Nelly sighed, "Georgie, you ask too much which I do not need especially with everything going on at the moment. I am up to my neck in work, we all are."

Suddenly overcome with a wave of guilt for stressing out her mum, Georgie stood up, her arms folded, "If it's a lot of trouble, we could always do it another day. Me and Regulus can just spend the day at home - ooh! We could go up Primrose Hill, it's got such a pretty view! I don't mind - "

"No!" Nelly's spoon clattered into the bowl, sending a tidal wave of milk onto the table, "You agreed to come in today, this has to happen before you change your mind."

"But I only want to go if Regulus goes!"

"Then... then he can go," Nelly sank down into her chair, "I am Head of the Department. I... I'm sure I can arrange someone to watch you for the day."

Within seconds, Georgie's eyes had been lit up by the beaming grin across her face, "Brilliant - I'll go get dressed!"

And just like that she dashed out as Ernest entered the dining room, a tired smile on his face, "I have to hand it to her, she could turn out to be quite the negotiator in the future. Maybe there is hope yet."

"Yes, I do agree although sadly I don't think she quite knows she's doing it," Nelly replied with a sigh which would have been helpful advice had Georgie been there to hear it. Sadly, she was already halfway up down the upstairs corridor on her way to tell Regulus the good news.

"Regulus!" She slammed open the door to the guest room. He was thankfully fully clothed but looked startled nonetheless, "Sorry, did I make you jump."

He lowered his hand from his chest, straightening his shirt, "No, not at all ... so what did they say?"

"You can come with us!" She grinned, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet excitably, "This is so exciting! We're going on a day trip!"

"Very exciting. Now Georgie, I think we need to have more of a plan - "

"Yes... ooh, we need to look professional too," Georgie realised, stating it firmly, "That will be fine for you, you always look a bit like a businessman because of your shirts - "

"There's nothing wrong with a crisp white shirt."

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