After a while of driving, Keith sipping some soda while the other three threw candy at each other as they attempted to catch them in their mouths, Keith decided it was best to address the elephant in the room rather than avoiding the subject. 

"So, what now?" Keith said. 

Hunk turned his attention to Keith while Pidge threw a smartie at Lance. Lance turned his face to look at Keith resulting in him getting poked in the eye with the smartie. Lance let out a yelp in pain, rubbing his watering eye before turning back to Keith.

"What do you mean?" Pidge spoke with a frown. 

"Well, after the tour what're we gonna do?" Keith said as he swirled his can of drink around in his hand. 

Hunk sighed, shoving his remaining smarties into his mouth before speaking. "I don't know. Well, we have to release another album. Even though we just released one that doesn't mean we should just stop."

Lance nodded. "Yeah, and people are gonna be asking us to appear on shows too. You know, since this thing si definitely gonna boost our screen time - whether or not in a good reason we don't really know yet."

Pidge popped a smartie into her mouth. "Plus, we also have to do the boring stuff like attend meetings with our producers, our record staff, which is gonna give us stuff to do I guess."

"And family visits." Hunk added with a smile. 

Keith sighed, massaging his cheeks with one hand before speaking. "I hope Shiro's okay." 

Lance frowned, moving to sit beside Keith before slinging his hand over his shoulder. "Don't worry, we still have phones and stuff. You can call him and your friends back home whenever you want really. Plus, as Hunk said, we get our weeks off."

Keith looked to Lance, a small smile spreading over his lips as he chastely kissed him. He tyhen sagged his shoulders and dropped his head onto Lance's shoulder sluggishly. 

"Yeah, I guess it's just best to live in the moment." 

Lance nodded, leaning his own head against Keith's. His eyes hooded lazily, their bodies relaxing against each other as the hum of the engine lulled them into a peaceful and tranquil trance. Lance's eyes peeled back open as a familiar song that would end this chapter terribly cliche but still he wanted to sing it popped into his head. He glanced around to Pidge and Hunk who were now occupied by their phones before he licked his lips and began to sing lowly. 

"Wise men say..." Lance began, Keith noticeably perking at the lyrics. 

"Only fools rush in..." Keith continued. 

"But I can't help," Hunk joined in with a smile. 

"Falling in love with you." Pidge added giddily as she chomped on a square of chocolate. 

"Take my hand, take my whole life too." Lance sang to Keith who quickly joined in. 

"For I cant falling in love with you." Keith sang, his voice croaky from fatigue. 

"Like a river flows," Hunk droned. 

"Surely to the sea," Pidge hummed. 

"Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be." Keith and Lance sang to each other with wide smiles. 

"Take my hand take my whole life too." Pidge and Hunk sang, everyone silently looking to each other happily. 

"For I can't help falling in love with you." They sang all together. 

After the verse ended the limo was oddly silent, not even a song chimed from the speakers anymore. Everyone was left in pure silence before Keith spoke up. 

"I bet I can catch five smarties in my mouth at once.


The end?

How could this be?

My child I've had for a whole year is finally gone?


Nah, there's gonna be an epilogue after this as well as a Note at the very end concerning my next book so keep an eye out and 


Also, I am determined to end this book on exactly 100 parts and you can't convince me to do otherwise.

-Patty '3'

i feel so weird publishing this, I've never actually finished a book before this is just weird to me -.-

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