Chapter 15: Drunkness At Parties

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Almost an hour later, Nate was pounding on the door to give me a ten minute warning. It didn't matter, I was pretty much already ready. I was wearing a dark purple strapless dress that zipped up the front and came to about mid-thigh. My hair was loose and the only make-up I was wearing was black mascara and dark red lipstick. On my feet were jet black pumps. You wouldn't always think the look would work and yet, it did. All the dark colors contrasted again my pale skin and fair hair.

 I grabbed a rather small black bag that's chain strap went over my shoulder. I'd shoved into it my phone, some ID and my wallet because you never know what might happen at parties this big. I knew it was big because Nate had said so, most of the school is going.

I went downstairs to wait at the kitchen table for Nate, only to find him already sitting there, twirling his keys, waiting for me. I put my hands on my hips. "Twin telepathy." I said, smiling. "I had the same idea."

"Does twin telepathy happen to fraternal twins too?" Nate said, as he got up and headed to his car. I can not remember the last time I did anything real with Nate. Unless you count the thirty seconds before the fight. As Nate drove, I half wondered where my parent were but then quickly pushed the thought out of my mind, no point thinking about something you won't get an answer to.


I was standing by myself at the edge of whoever's-party-this-is's living room. Nate wasn't kidding about every kid at school being here. The house was huge but every room as well as the back and front yards had kids in them, dancing, grinding, drinking, laughing, kissing and who knows what else.

I was holding a beer, every once in a while taking a sip. There was apparently nothing without alchohl in it here so I was making do with a beer. Earlier on I'd caught a glimpses of Carson, Cole and, believe it or not, Noah.

I wanted to confront Carson about his weird texts, but I couldn't bring myself to, I wanted to have a not awkward conversation with Cole, but I couldn't see that happening, I wanted to make Noah smile that shy little smile I'd seen him do only a few times but I didn't want to chase after him just to talk.

I stayed where I was. The moment we'd arrived Nate had said, "Find me when you're ready to leave or I'll find you when I'm gonna leave." and disappeared. I hadn't seen him since but I wasn't worried. It's hard to keep track of anyone, surrounded by this many people.

Nate would have a fit if he knew I was drinking. I thought to myself, nearly laughing. Despite how close we were in age, he acted like he was two years older then me and was so over-protective I wanted to slap him upside the head sometimes. Oh well, one beer won't kill me, right? He should know that considering the fact that I know full well he's had beer before. I wasn't a very big fan of it though, I tried to avoid it.

Just then, my phone bussed in my purse with a text. I put my beer on the end table next to me as I pull out my phone.

SAVE ME NOW! or kill me... I smiled at Betsi's text.

that bad? I replied.

U have no idea. DYING of boredom, she texted, I can just picture her texting under the table at a restaurant somewhere, trying to be discreet

come join me

where r u?

party I answer, being vague but I don't know whose it is so it's not like i can be all that specific. I don't even recognize the house.


dunno don't care its big loud and impossible to miss I said, unsure what else there is to say about it.

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