"S-S-Stop!" I bellow as I thrash against him and he smirks, "Not until you do what I want."


"Repeat after me," I nod, "I, Alexis Anderson."

"I, Alexis Anderson." I repeat.

"Love Cole Stone with all my heart."

"Love Cole Stone with all my heart."

"And will personally rip off the boob job of any girl who tries to change that." I groan, should've just kicked him in the balls.

"And will personally rip off the boob job of any girl who tries to change that." He smirks when I repeat it through my incessant laughing. 

"In conclusion."

"In conclusion." I scream out as his tickling gets worse. I hate being tickled. 

"Cole Stone is the best boyfriend in the world."

"Cole Stone is the best boyfriend in the world." 

"And I am so shitty compared to him."

"And I am so shitty compared to him, dick attack!" I yell and everyone laughs as Cole looks around confused until my knee connects with his groin and he collapses next to me on the muddy floor which we are now covered in, groaning in protest to the pain I've just caused.

"Bitch!" He breathes and I burst out laughing, as does everyone else, high-fiving me as we dance around Cole's body. After a while of Cole groaning people start to filter off the field and go to get ready for the party being held that we will all be attending after dinner with Ryder. 

Callum and Caiden are staying with him because they are under age and I do not trust them not to drink at a high school party. Although, it'd be quite funny. I walk into my home and go straight upstairs to shower. The girls never use the school changing room showers because grime comes out of the shower head and you end up dirtier and smellier than you were before you went in. 

I can hear Cole shouting me to hurry up and that everyone is waiting for me just as I walk out wrapped in a towel, "Just a minute!" I yell down and all I get is silence until the door slams against the wall and I jump at the loud noise, turning around suddenly to see Cole stood in the doorway. I shriek and jump down the side of my bed and breathe a sigh of relief when I don't hear him walking.

I start to re-wrap my towel around me as it became loose before I get up, just in case he is still there. Until I feel someone behind me and I turn slowly with a horror stricken face and scream loudly when I see Cole's face inches from mine as he shamelessly looks me up and down, "Cole, get out!" I yell and I can hear laughing from downstairs, obviously everyone has figured out what has happened, joy oh joy!

"Why? You're looking hot, shorty," He coos and grabs my face like I am a baby. I swat his hands away and he chuckles at me, "Stop being such a dick or I'll tell everyone that I saw your naked butt the other day and Mr Cole Stone, school bad boy, didn't take it very well and flushed the colour of a freshly ripened tomato," I threaten lowly and his eyes widen as he quickly gets up, helping me up in the process and smiles.

"Fine but can I at least pick your outfit like them couples do on TV?" He pleads and I cross my arms over my chest as he begs even more. I roll my eyes and finally give in when he gives me his puppy dog eyes, "Fine, just don't make me look too bad," I say and he nods, salutes me like I am his captain and walks into my wardrobe, readying his mission.

I just chuckle and sit down on my bed and grab a book and begin to read from where I left off until my phone goes off, signalling a text from Jess. 

Hurry up! We are waiting! 

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