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Ella's POV

     "K, I don't know..." my best friend since diapers had been trying to convince me to come to her show in Atlanta. We hadn't seen each other since she moved to Oakland and her career took off. I did miss K but concerts weren't really my scene, you know? I usually sat in my room reading books or listening to old music all day. To top it off, I just broke it off with my boyfriend, Ty because he was cheating on me. "E, please for me? Come on, it's been so long. Don't you miss me?" I could hear the fake sadness in her voice, which just made me giggle a little. "Oh my gosh, K I'll come." She started squealing through the phone. "I'm not sitting in the crowd though, K. You know I can't be in no big ass group of people like that." I said referring to my stand-offish demeanor when it came to being around people. "Ella, now you know you're not going to be sitting in no crowd when your best friend is Kehlani, boo. Make sure you don't come looking all sad about Ty ass either." With that, she hung up the phone leaving me with nothing to do but shake my head and laugh a little.

       It was true though. My best friend was in fact, Kehlani. She's only been singing for like 2 years, but her fan base was crazy. Like insane sometimes. We hadn't physically spent any time together since high school, but she always kept in touch. "I can't believe I let her convince me to do this." I mumbled as I begin to look for something to wear. I didn't really know how to dress for stuff like this. I finally decided on some cuffed boyfriend jeans and this grey off the shoulder bodysuit. I went to the bathroom to shower and do my hair. I did a cute half up , half down style that I always did when my hair was wet and I needed it out of my face. My phone went off and I already knew it was K.

           I put my phone in my back pocket and threw on my old Converse and walked out of my apartment

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           I put my phone in my back pocket and threw on my old Converse and walked out of my apartment. When I got to the garage level of my complex, I took out my phone to call a Lyft. There's no way I'm driving to a concert downtown. That's suicide in Atlanta. I would've been sitting in traffic for forever. When my driver finally pulled up, I hopped in the back and off we went. After 15 minutes of listening to my driver sing almost every Beyonce song he could think of playing, I finally got to the show. Walking up, I saw K's bodyguard, Mondo. "Lil' Sis, wassup," he smiled as he bear hugged me, while lifting me up a little in the process. Mondo grew up on the same block as me and K. He was always like our big brother and when he heard K needed a bodyguard, he made sure the job was his.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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