Chapter 10|I'm Sorry For Your Loss

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Chapter 10|I'm Sorry For Your Loss
Kate's POV
It had now been a week. One week after my mom had got killed by some dumbass physcopath. The cops had been working on it day after day, hour after hour, and nothing. They found absolutely nothing.

Around the house has been different, quiet, empty. My dad is going crazy, he drinks everyday and gets drunk and I'm worried for him.

I keep telling and asking him to stop but he wont. He says that he is but I've seen him sneak a whole bottle of scotch into his room.

Rick has been great though. He really is helping me through this and I'm glad. He's been staying over pretty much every night and comforting me.

It's a Monday today and I'm going back to school. I havent been going for a week and neither has Rick. Thats one of the reasons why I like him. He's caring and makes sure you're okay. Also there when you need him.

Right now I'm in my room, getting ready for school and Rick's downstairs, making breakfast.

After I was done, I headed down the stairs.

"Hey." I greeted once I got at the bottom of the stairs. He looked up from the stove and looked at me.

"Hey, how you feeling?" He asked me and I could see the worry in his eyes so I smiled.

"Rick, Im fine. I have you." I assured him, sitting down on the stool. He smiled at me and finished his cooking.

"Here." He said handing me a plate with eggs and bacon on it.

"Thank you." I said smiling up at him then looking down and started to eat my breakfast.
Before we left the house, I left a note for my dad. I didnt want to go talk to him. He was probably hungover or drinking again. God, I hated him for doing that.

"Hey, you okay?" Rick asked me, again, and knocked me out of my train of thought. My head jerked his direction and I looked into his eyes. I looked down at my hands while my eyebrows knitted together.

"Yeah, it's just," I paused for a moment and sighed, tears starting to well up in my eyes, "my dad. I don't know what to do." I breathed out letting a tear slide down my cheek and looked up at Rick. We were parked in the schools parking lot already.

"Kate-" he started then I cut him off.

"I try and help but he doesnt listen. He's going to get hurt and I can't stop him." I managed to get out, trying so hard not to cry. I really didn't wanna cry on my first day back.

"Kate, we will figure something out. I promise." He assured me and I only let out a smile.

"Can we go see her? After school." I asked, he took my hand in his.

"Of course." He said and there was a moment of silence.

"We should probably go before we are late." He said breaking the silence. I nodded and got out of the car, wiping off the tears from my cheeks.

We rejoined hands while walking into the school.

Everyone looked at me, at us. Some people said, "I'm sorry for your loss." It was hard to hold back the tears. I loved how Rick was always next to me, always paying attention and always worrying. He makes me so happy.

The school day went by very slowly. It seemed like the whole school was sad. Today at lunch, it was the quietest day I've ever heard and it was actually kinda nice.
Me and Rick were now in the car on our way to see my mom. We had the funeral a few days ago. Which was super hard. Especially when you're the only one getting things ready.

Thanks Dad. Can you read the sarcasm?

"Thank you, Rick." I said breaking the silence.

He jerked his head towards me, looking into my eyes while I got lost in his.

"Always." He said taking my small hand in his big one, interlacing our fingers together.

We got to the cementary and sat in the car a few moments before getting out.

Our hands were locked together, my head on his Rick's shoulder, while we walked towards my mothers grave.

"Hey Mom." I said softly to the tombstone with her name, the date of birth and death, and her favorite saying 'Vincent Omnia Veritas' (truth concurs all). Tears were already forming in my eyes. "I miss you so so so much. I'm doing alright, still a bit shocked but I have Rick. He's been helping me out, a lot," I looked behind me, at Rick, his eyes starting to well up with tears. He smiled faintly while a couple tears fell down my cheeks. I turned back to her.

"Dad hasn't been doing so well. He's drinking a lot and I can't get him to stop. Rick and I are going to try though because I know that's what you would want.

I miss you so much, Mom. I hope you are having fun up there and I love you so much."

I finished and then that's when it all came out. Tears were streaming down my face, my make-up was probably everywhere.

Rick came up from behind me and I turned around in his arms. He hugged me tight and I hugged him tighter. We both stood there crying for awhile, letting all of our emotions out.
Wow, i actually cried when i wrote that. I didnt mean for it to be that sad... but yah know, it is what it is. hope you liked this chapter.

(3/6/16: I even cried when I was editing this chapter.....)

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