14: The Gardens

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‘Run Elizabeth’

The Cancer Wolves voice filled my head and my feet had started running towards the door before my head had even time to acknowledge it. Geoffrey snarled, but I kept running, safe in the knowledge my Cancer Wolf would protect me.

I ran out into the hallway, my long dress getting tangled under my feet. Panting in fear, my eyes scanned around. I had nowhere to run. I did not know where to go. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the East Staircase, and before I had time to stop myself I was sprinting up the stairs.

After I reached the top of the first flight, I paused for breath. I listened for any kind of noise, and I heard vicious snarls coming from downstairs. I leaned against one of the three suits of armour that unnerved me, and I tried to clear my head. I ran a hand through my hair, and the style I had so cleverly put in fell out instantly.

Curly tendrils of my dark hair fell in front of my face, and I raised a hand to push it back. As my fingers were caught in my hair, I heard the squeak of armour. I did not turn around immediately, even though I knew what it was. One of the suits of armour had moved.

Just like in my dream.

I screamed, and I fell backwards onto the stairs in shock. The armour suddenly burst into life, and it staggered forward, like it was rusty. The armour was brandishing a heavy weapon, and I knew from my dream what I needed to do to stop the armour, but I was frozen in fear. Armour shouldn’t be moving! Who was inside the armour?! And who was trying to hurt me?!

The armour reached out to try and grab me, but I manoeuvred out of the way. As a weak from of defence, I kicked my shoes at the armoured beast, but it was futile.

Now I was truly like my dream, barefoot on the stairs in my white dress. I realised I had to be brave. I could no longer hear the wolves snarling at each other, and if they were no longer together this meant that Geoffrey was now in pursuit of me, and I did not know how long it would be until my Cancer Wolf could get to me.

Scrambling to my feet, I reached forward and snatched the weapon from my armoured attacker, and I stabbed it into its leg like I had so many times in my dream. The voice from the armour echoed out, and it was a manly shout. “Elizabeth you are going to die! If I don’t kill you Geoffrey will! I swear you’ll be dead for this!”

My eyes widened in horror as I realised the voice was Richard. I gasped and brought a hand to my mouth. I doubted he ever left yesterday; he probably snuck into the suit and hid, biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment.

 Richard dropped to his knees, the long sharp weapon sticking out from his skin. His metal hands wrapped around it, and I stumbled back up the second flight of stairs, preparing to run if he pulled it out.

Without warning, a wolf jumped from the banister above me, and heavily landed on the stairs behind me. I turned around and looked in adoration, admiration, and amazement at my Cancer Wolf, saving me just in time. His golden eyes locked on mine, and my heart melted.

He was standing on his two back legs, and he looked more like a wolf than ever. This was how I remembered him; this was how I knew him. Standing in that pose on these stairs with me. We had been here a thousand times together.

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