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A tall, slender blonde woman stepped onto the stage.Pump high heels carried forward as a commanding air seemed to trail off of her. The navy blue dress she had carefully chosen, caused her skin to glow underneath the bright lights.

Her brilliant smile twinkled while she patiently held her speech until the end of the applause. "More than twenty years ago, Pangea was founded on the basis of a United Earth. Our vision was to see all of the countries of the world working together towards a common goal.

"Natural disasters of increasing magnitude threatened all of our livelihoods in one way or another." Behind her, projections displayed wreckage and tragedy, "And 23 years ago, Pangea offered a solution. The Grid."

She paused for effect, polite applause filling the room.

"With the Grid, we united the planet. Through revolutionary transport technology, we can now walk from a city block in New York, to a delicatessen in San Francisco. Sending your children to school across the country, and being able to uproot your home from one grid space to another! We've taken our planet from twenty-four thousand miles and created a booming metropolis of life where you can drive from Antarctica to China!"

She beamed again as she was rewarded by cheers from her audience. "I'm Evangeline Brent, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Pangea Technologies and welcome to the 24th Annual Pangea Technologies Congress!"

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