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The word was spred around, the new Queen with her power taking control over the city of New Orleans was every conversation starter around. Nicolette felt proud of that, her maid Anne walked toward her with her phone in hand. "It's Sophie, ma'am" looking at Anne Nicolette grabbed the phone and nodded gratefully. She looked into her reflection in the mirror. 

"Greetings" she greeted Sophie on the phone, with her vampire hearing she could hear her closing the door and talking as low as she could. 

"Nicolette..." she started, a tad of fear in her voice tone. "I know where the woman is, the werewolf. But the only one who could lead you to her is Elijah" part of her felt a little bit of jealousy knowing Elijah was the one taking care of this woman. "He has grown fond of her and the idea of his brother having an heir, thinking this could bring humanity and sense into Klaus"

"Thank you, I will seek her today. Sophie, I will do my best to bring your sister back, save Davina and this baby... I promise" without any other word she ended the call. Looking at her maid through the mirror. "Prepare my things, I am going to meet this werewolf."

"Yes, Ma'am" like that Anne opened the door and she found herself another figure standing in the way. Marce held his hand in the air, like he was about to knock her door. Nicolette's maid walked past him and left the door open. 

"May I come in" he said, his features not pleased but Nicolette didn't care of what would pleased him. 

"Speak, I am going out" she said finishing the last touches of her makeup. He walked inside and closed the door behind himself. He was pacing which only made her a tad irritated. 

"Davina said you talked to her, you arranged a meeting with the witches to not harm her" he started as she stopped to stared at her. "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Marcel, I don't want you to be interfering in my plans. Remember your place in my kingdom. For now you are just a facade, when I feel like I can trust you and if I ever feel trusting you again, then I will speak about my plans with you, otherwise don't feel ofended because I excluded you from my reign" she grabbed the brush and started setting her makeup. 

"But, this is Davina we are talking about. Did you get to talk to the witches, did they accept your terms?" he asked, he was nervous; Marcel protected Davina, loved her as a daughter. He would never let anything happen to her, he would surely kill for her. 

"I know, which is why my secrecy about this matter is for her own protection. I told her I would do anything to give her back the life this coven took from her. Now, I am in the matter of getting into terms with the witches. Terms you wouldn't understand because you are not a witch, you are  a vampire and someone that killed one of them. If they see you around, sniffling something they won't trust me and I need them to trust that I am in control, because after all... I AM IN CONTROL. "she stood up and walked away from him, rushing to the main entrance she grabbed her things which Anne had in her hands waiting for her. 

Stepping outside she walked toward her car and got inside. Making a call, she asked for directions to meet with him... her eyes felt drier that ever. She remembered the river she cried for this man as she drove to the ubication they had sent her through text messages. Nicolette had cried enough, she had lost every person she ever cared of and she wouldn't lose Davina nor Marcel this time. She would protect both of them with her life if it came to that. What she hated most is that this baby, this poor little thing only complicated things. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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