Yandere! Ticci Toby x female reader

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I cried silently, hoping he wouldn't hear. I peeked out from around the corner of the hallway since I no longer heard him walking around. But I froze...he was right next to me, his back turned towards me. My eyes widened and I felt more tears escape my hurting eyes. I covered my mouth and tried to quiet my breathing. I started getting lightheaded. I didn't realize that I had stopped breathing altogether. I took a few big, shaky breaths, hoping to stop the feeling.

"He-re Kitty, kitt-y".

I could hear a small laugh get muffled under his mouth guard as his neck popped a few times . Slowly, I backed away from the hall's corner. I felt my back hit the wall at the end, signalling that, once I went right, I'd end up in my room. I quietly entered my room, closing the door. I tried to open the window, wondering if I could crawl out.I unlatched the window, opening it. I snuck through to get out.... i felt someone yank my leg, dragging me back in.

"Shhh...do-n't cry my swee-t little (y/n). I do-n't want to hu-hu-rt you, I just want to make you mi-ne. But, if I DO have to hu-rt you to make you mine, t-hen so be it".

I shivered at his dark chuckle that followed those words. I kept crying, struggling to get out of his grip. I tried to do my best, but he was just too strong for me.

"W-why m-m-me?" you sobbed.

It was always you. The bullies, they picked on YOU. The "friends" turned their backs on YOU. The one who always ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time was YOU.

"Beca-use, my beautiful little dove, you are the o-nly one I want...the only one I've EVER wanted. An-and that means, yo-u HAVE to be m-ine".

"Please....L-let me g-go".

"I c-an't do that my dove. You m-me-ean too much to me. I can't g-o on without you..."

He carried my struggling form to the bed.

"S-orry my dear, but if y-ou won't giv-e yourself to m-e-e...I'll have to ta-ke you"

He said, as he hit the side of my head with his hatchet's handle, knocking me out.The last thing I heard, was his neck pop.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by people with the fear of toasters~~~~~~~~

I woke up with my head hurting severely. I went to grab the side of my head, but found that I couldn't move my arms...or my legs. I opened my (e/c) eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness that filled the room. I gasped as the memories flooded back. Looking around me, I realized that I wasn't in my room. I looked over at the digital clock on the side of the bed, on a stand that looks quite old. It read 3:51. I had been passed out for about 4 hours....

The door creaked open, revealing the man who broke into my house. I clamped my eyes shut as the light flickered on. He peeked over at me from underneath his orange goggles. He turned his back to me, standing in front of his dresser that looked about as old as the table. I saw him mess around on a drawer, moving everything around. I tried to focus my eyes on what he was doing. Then, he lifted up a pair of lacy underwear.

They looked just like the ones I had lost last mo-... oh my god....

He took off his goggles and mask, setting them onto his dresser. He began walking towards me, my lacy underwear in his hand.

"p-please let me g-go. I won't t-try any-t-thing".

He threw the panties next to me and undid the rope holding my feet with a knife he got from his back pocket. He pointed it at me.

"N-now, don't tr-y any-th-thing."

I nodded. He was going to untie me! He set the knife onto the table next to the bed and started undoing my pants.

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