~Emily and Louis~

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Language in this one shot= Yep! Just a fair warning c:

Emily's POV:

I storm into the room Louis was in. That boy really had some nerve.

"What the hell, Louis!" I shout, startling him.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Oh, you know what!" I snap.

I was shown an article about Louis and Eleanor Calder dating! (A/N: No hate to Eleanor!) While he was dating me! That's not right. My friend, Mandy showed me this in a magazine. I had it with me at the moment.

Though this is what things have been like lately. Here was always a fight every day, normally over stupid things. Yesterday, we fought over what movie to watch. Louis still looked confused, and that frustrated me. I took out the article, and threw it to him.

"You have anything to say?" I ask, impatient.

Instead of a response, all Louis did was chuckle.

“You really think this is real?” he asked.

“Look at the damn picture!” I tell him angrily.

“I did. It’s not true!” Louis said, raising his voice.

“I knew from the start this would end badly. I had people tell me that I shouldn’t date you, but no! I said yes anyways!” I yell.

“That has nothing to do with this!”

“Yeah, it does!”

I knew this wouldn’t end well. Someone’s going to get hurt, one way or another.

“I’m starting to wonder how I fell in love with you!” Louis snapped.

“How could you say that?” I whisper.

Louis looked upset with what he just said. He should be! That really hurt.

“Emily, I didn’t- That wasn’t-“Louis stuttered.

I cut him off. “Save it. I never want to see you again!”

“This is how it always ends!” he shouted, while I picked up the magazine. I was ready to leave.

I turn to face him. “What if I mean it?”

“You don’t!”

“I do! Just shut up!” I shout, and storm out the door.

I ran to my car, and left. I don’t know whether to be happy or upset with breaking up with Louis. I guess a mix? I sigh, and focus on driving. I guess I was a little too late to get my thoughts off of Louis, because I heard a crash, and I felt intense pain before I blacked out.

Louis’ POV:

Did that really just happen? I stare at the door, hoping Emily would come back, and tell me she was just kidding. It didn’t happen. Just then, Harry entered, and looked at me, worried.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

“What happened?”

“Emily and I broke up.”

“What?!” Harry exclaimed.

“Yeah. It was an argument over an article about me and Eleanor dating. There was a photo shopped picture of us kissing.” I explain.

“Oh, wow-“

Harry was cut off by Liam.

“Louis! What are you doing?!” he shouted.

“Standing here…?” I say. What’s going on now?

“Not anymore! I just got a call from Danielle, and Emily’s in a hospital.” Liam said.

I felt panic rise into me. No way can this be happening! Wait, I’m not dating her anymore.

“Not my problem,” I state.

“What’s your problem? This is your girlfriend we’re talking-“

Harry cut Liam off. “They broke up.”

“Oh.” Liam said.

“What?!” two other voices yelled.

Harry and I turn and saw Niall and Zayn, who looked shocked. I sigh and explain what happened. I don’t feel like talking about her right now.

“Let’s go see her,” Zayn suggested after Liam added in the hospital part.

“No, thanks! We broke up, what does it matter?” I ask.

“That’s no excuse! You have to make sure she’s OK!” Zayn exclaimed.

“Yeah, agree with Zayn! Get your head outta your arse and let’s go see her!” Niall said.

I look to Harry. Please understand, Haz!

“Just do it, Louis.” Harry tells me.

“Fine,” I say after a while.

Liam clapped his hands once. “OK, let’s go!”


We filed into the hospital room, where Emily and Danielle were. Emily was asleep, and Danielle was on her phone.

"Hi!" Liam said, kissing Danielle's cheek.

I looked at the couple, who were talking and laughing, Liam giving the occasional kiss on the cheek. I realized I wanted something like that, with Emily. Maybe I was wrong to be rude like I was earlier. Maybe I should apologize. It's going to take time, though.

Emily's POV:

I opened my eyes, and saw a white tiled ceiling. Where am I? Then it came back to me. Some idiot hit me. Or I wasn't paying attention. I like the first option much better.

"Emily!" Danielle cheered.

"Hi," I reply.

"You're alive!" Harry cheered.


I looked around the room, ad my eyes fell on Louis, who was staring at me. His eyes were filled with... Regret? I must be imagining things. I look away quickly.

"How long was I out?" I ask no one in particular.

"A day and a half." Liam responded.

"Holy crap! Really?"

"Yes." Zayn said.

"Emily I have to talk to you." Louis blurted out.

"Why?" I inquire.

"You'll see."

Louis looks at Liam, and Liam cleared his throat.

"Let's go get something to eat!" he said.

There were a few murmurs of sure, yes.

"Well, come on! Let's go!" Niall urged.

I chuckle as four boys and Dani left, leaving me alone with Lou.

"So... What did you want to say to me?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I guess I was wrong to be like that." Louis said, his tone full of remorse.

"What about Eleanor?" I ask coldly.

"There's nothing going on between us, Emily. I promise."

I think or a moment.

"You really-"

He cut me off with a kiss. A little bit later, we were cut off by applause, and we pulled away to see the boys and Dani.

"So you guys are all good now?" Harry asked.

Louis looked at me expectantly. "Do you forgive me?"

I look from the group to Louis, and sigh.


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