Chapter Eighteen

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Two weeks later

"Are you almost ready, Mave?" Eli asks, poking his head into Lily's bedroom. "Oh, wow," he says, strolling further into the room. He smiles at me broadly. "You look absolutely gorgeous." His dark hair is combed as neatly as it can be, and his suit jacket is unbuttoned, and a couple of the white button-down shirt's are undone as well.

I give myself one last look in the full-length mirror and then turn away to face him. I brush out the maroon skirts, two layers of smooth, shining satin. The bodice wraps tightly around my waist and my chest in a bunched fashion, and the neckline is straight. Two thin straps trail over my shoulders and cross in the back. I smile at him nervously. "Do you think this is okay? Mom bought it for me yesterday. I just don't want to embarrass you."

He chuckles. He stands in front of me now and takes both my hands in his. "You could never embarrass me. If anything, I'd embarrass you."

I smirk. "Probably not." I reach up and straighten his navy bow-tie. "Are you ready?" I ask, my voice lowering.

His hands slide up my arms and curve around my shoulders. "I think so. Mom walked me through how the ceremony is going to go—what to say and all that. But you'll be in the front row, right?"

I nod. "With all your friends. I'll be right between Anna and Katie."

He lets out a tight breath, a sigh of relief. "Good. Good."

I stand on my toes and kiss him on the lips, soft and gentle. "You are going to be an amazing king," I whisper. "You'll do great things."

His lips curve into a smile. "Only if you help me."

"I'm always here if you need me."

Something shines in his hazel eyes, and he takes my hands again, wrapping our fingers together in a knot. "Mave, I—"

The door creaks open more, and we both look to see Angel standing there, dressed in a tight-fitting navy-blue gown. She says with a smile, "It's time."


When Eli and I had returned from the river, the voting had been completed. We were invited back into the ballroom to hear the results, myself and Paisley included. The council unanimously voted Eli to be king, and Adressa and Paisley were quickly escorted from New Athens back to Bayfell.

But the council had some conditions:

Eli must graduate NAU this Fall.

Eli must have a queen by Spring.

Eli must have an heir within five years.

Originally, the council had said two years. At this, Eli's eyes matched mine, wide and frightened (both of us, really). He turned back to them and countered ten. To this, they said five.

Five it was.

I can't tell if Eli pictures me as part of this equation. Any of it, really. We haven't talked about anything yet, and for the past two weeks, it's just been preparation for the coronation.

New Athens has a huge church a couple blocks away from the Tower where historically, Eli's grandfather was crowned the first king, and Eli's father was crowned the second.

Eli will be the third to be crowned there.

Only a select few are invited to the ceremony, but it is televised for the entirety of New Athens.

Luckily, my parents, as well as Charlie's parents, have been invited upon Angel's apologies to them for... everything.

I'm sitting in the front row, squashed between Katie and Anna who talk over me excitedly. I would participate if I weren't so distracted by everything.

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