Chapter Nine

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Eli has so many plans for New Athens. Great plans. Plans that will allow the nation to grow, spread, and revive what used to be North America. He wants to bring it back but make some changes so that we don't have the same downfall as before.

He wrapped me up in his arms under the covers of the plush bed and told me all he wants to change in New Athens, and that's how I fell asleep. I think he did it on purpose. I was too jittery after he kissed me that I wouldn't fall asleep. I just kept pacing the room, being ecstatic, angry, scared, and vulnerable all at the same time. Eli had to physically catch me and pin me to the bed before I would settle down. That's when he started talking me to sleep.

His voice has always calmed me down in a way no one else's—not even my own mother's—could. My heart steadied as every now and then he would plant a kiss on my forehead as he continuously ran the tips of his fingers up and down my back until at last, I was out.

Light blinds me through my eyelids, and I blink as the sun painfully pierces my sight. I'm facing the wall opposite the door to the bedroom, where a large window resides with its blinds open. Cobwebs live in complete stillness in the top two corners of the window frame, untouched by the flow of air. The trees outside appear as if they are trying to shove their way into the house, but the feeble glass won't let them in—at least for a little bit longer. I can see bits and pieces of the blue, blue sky, and the sun itself forcing its rays through, into the room.

I'm cold.

I sit up weakly in the bed and glance to where Eli had laid with me last night. There's just a little dent in the pillow, but the comforter has been pulled up. I can still smell him, a scent I can't slap a description on. Everyone has a particular smell to them, some good, some bad.

Eli's is good. Very good.

My head hurts from everything the night before. Too much to worry about.

Too much to be happy about.

Eli kissed me.

And he loves me.

My heart sinks.

I never said it back. Not really. I tried to, but he said, "I know" to shut me up because I was in too much shock to speak properly.

I still should say it. I want to.

When the time is right.

I slide out of bed and start rummaging through my backpack for clothes for today. I only packed one more outfit, so hopefully we'll be back by either late tonight or tomorrow. I want nothing more than to be home and have this whole Bayfell issue resolved.

I miss my parents, too. And my sister.

All four of us left our cellphones at home just in case someone decided to track us if we ended up being gone too long. I don't think I'd be able to contact my parents anyway... Reception probably isn't too good out in the middle of nowhere.

I pull out a navy tank top and grey flannel and slide them on quickly. It's chilly up here despite it being the hottest part of the summer. Maybe it's a morning thing. I pull on a pair of black shorts.

I brush my teeth in the connected bathroom with nothing but the toothbrush, toothpaste, and water bottle that I brought. I barely use any water, attempting to preserve it if I can. I'm down to half a bottle. After pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I shove the clothes I wore yesterday and my toothbrush and hairbrush back into my backpack and sling it over my shoulder.

When I exit the bedroom, I find Eli sitting on the couch in the living room, studying the map unfolded on the coffee table. He glances up at me and flashes a huge grin. "Sleep okay?"

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