chapter five

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The following day Thomas met Mia, with a scooter in hand.

"I'm guessing the scooter is another attention-grabbing idea," Mia said.

Thomas grinned. "You are correct... What exactly does 'defending my rights to defend' mean?"

"A few months ago while I was sitting out here, Mayor Davenport came out here and tried to kick me off the steps. He said, and I quote, 'you are ruining the image of peace and safety in the town.' I'm showing him that he can't stop me from using my first amendment rights."

"Th-the mayor said that?"

Mia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I really don't like that guy. He seems fake."

Thomas was nervously silent, which went unnoticed by Mia.


Mia laughed at Thomas, who had fallen off the scooter.

"You're not going to be able to pull that wheelie you've been trying."

Thomas stood back up. "Just wait Mia. I'll get it."


Thomas was again riding the scooter.

"C'mon Thomas, can we go now? I'm hungry," Mia complained.

"One last try."

"Fine. But only one."

Thomas attempted another wheelie, and fell once more. He sat up, rubbing his jaw. "Ow."

Mia helped him up. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I just hit my jaw."

Mia stretched upwards, and kissed Thomas on the cheek.




hello my lovely readers!

how do you like the story so far?

what's your favorite part of this chapter?

mine's the last part, where Mia kisses Thomas on the cheek 

any questions?

please vote for this story during the allotted time: August 16 through September 13. thank you very much.


Votes: 25

Comments: 12

Question of the Chapter:

what is your favorite meal type of food? xD (does that even make sense?)

i really like breakfast foods, because you can literally eat them anytime. :D plus they're delicious. plus BACON <3

thanks for reading!!

p.s- who's heard of the song If You See Kay by the Script? i love it so much! xD lyric video of it to the side :)

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