chapter two

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Mia was sitting on the steps when Thomas appeared.

“Hello Thomas,” she greeted.

“Hi Mia.” Thomas slipped a glance at her sign, before taking a seat. “Stop bullying before it starts. I like it.”

Mia just nodded.

“You don’t seem to talk much.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Well, no. It just makes it harder to get to know you.”

Mia furrowed her eyebrows. “Why would you want to do that?”

“I figured that if I’m going to be protesting with you for the rest of my life, I should get to know you,” Thomas said.

“The rest of your life?”

Thomas grinned. “Yes.”

Mia bit her bottom lip, but didn’t say anything.

She sighed. “What do you want to know?”

Thomas was shocked Mia was willing to answer his questions. “Wait, really?”

Mia nodded.

Over the next two hours, Thomas asked Mia multiple questions until he was satisfied, while Mia occasionally repeated questions to him.

“One last question,” Thomas had said. “What makes you do this?”

Mia was silent.

“Was that too personal? Sorry, we can for-”

“Let’s just say, that every issue I protest, has affected me somehow. I want people to notice it, so that it can change.”

Thomas stared at Mia, who sighed. “You want to know don’t you?” He nodded.

“I was bullied in high school, so much so, that I was suicidal for awhile. I want to help stop bullying so that others don’t have to go through and feel what I did.”

“Are you… better now?”

Mia chuckled. “Yeah, I am.”

Mia rested her head against Thomas’ shoulder until it was time for them to leave.


hello! here's chapter two!

thanks for reading! :)

please vote for this story during the allotted time: August 16 through September 13. thank you very much.

how do you like it so far?

any questions?

to the side is a picture of Thomas.


Votes: 10

Comments: 5

Question of the Chapter:

what kind of music do you listen to?

i listen to quite a bit of stuff. pop, rock, a lot of country, some alternative, and some singer/songwriter too :) 

thanks for reading!

p.s- who likes the song Watching You by Rodney Atkins? that song is so cute and sweet! :)

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