41: Door Knockers and Gargoyles

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yes, of course." I reached out and twisted the doorknob. An unlocking sound echoed from the other side. The wall opened without much effort. From the opening, a cold wet draft wafted into the hallway. In the dim light, a set of curved stairs appeared before us.

"So there is a third floor?" I stepped inside along with Hijinx. The space was dark and I could not see the top. "This is creepy."

"Before we advance further," said Hijinx. "I must warn you, Hope." The cat hopped up the steps until he was level with me. "Vanity is sure to have placed protections around her mirror, booby-traps you might say. These obstacles will not be easy to defeat, but if you keep your wits about you, I am certain you will succeed."

"Alright," I said feeling increasingly nervous. "Let's go." Together we walked up the twisted staircase. I struggled with my hurt ankle, but I managed a gentle pace. At the top we were greeted by yet another door. Except this one was red with no doorknob and a large brass knocker on its surface.

"It's the first obstacle," whispered Hijinx. I looked all around for a way to enter. Seeing nothing, I thought it best to knock and see what happens. Reaching up I grabbed the brass knocker.

"Ouch!" screamed a squeaky voice. "I mean, halt! None shall enter here."

"Where did that voice come from?" I cried letting go of the brass knocker.

"Don't be daft! I am up here, silly goose. You pulled my beard." I looked up. The brass knocker had formed into the shape of an old man's face. His beard made up the curved knocker. The man's brass eyes looked down at Hijinx and I. He snickered and stuck out his tongue. "How rude of you yanking on a sleeping man's beard. How would you like it if I yanked your hair while you were sleeping?"

"I would not like it at all," I said amazed by the sight. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't know you were sleeping or alive for that matter."

"Now you're insulting me." said the brass knocker. "You humans believe that you have to have skin and bone to have feelings. Have you ever wondered if trees feel pain when you cut them down or harvest their fruit?"

"But they don't have a central nervous system," I replied. "How can they?"

"Oh hush your willy-nilly nonsense." The brass knocker rolled its metal eyes. "Now be gone, both of you. You have no business here."

"Oh please, Mr. Door," I begged. "Let us in. I said I was sorry."

"Apology not accepted. Now go away." The face disappeared.

"But you must let me pass," I pleaded as I banged on the door. The face returned, angry and frustrated.

"Nope," said the door. "Not opening. Get lost!"

"But my friends are in danger. You can save us if you open up."

"Ha!" laughed the door. "Good one."

"Let me take over," said Hijinx exposing his long claws. "If you refuse to open one more time, Mr. Door, I may be inclined to sharpen my claws on your lovely painted wood." The face appeared once more.

"You wouldn't dare?"

"Try me," said Hijinx extending his paw to the door.

"Alright, alright," said the brass knocker. "I'll let you through....but only on one condition."

"And what might that be?" asked Hijinx.

"I'm a special door. Enchanted to only allow passage to those who answer my riddle correctly. Ten years ago a young tailor came to me with the same proposal as you two. 'Oh, I must save my friends. They are in danger.' What nonsense I said. So I offered him a riddle when he refused to go away. Typical human."

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