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~Somewhere off the East coast~

John Laurens had always had qualms with his life. Sure, it was great and all, he had amazing friends and a good life. With his long, curly brunette hair and body covered in freckles, his greenish blue eyes that matched his tail, which started as a light green, but faded to a beautiful teal, he was able to get practically anyone he wanted. Any girl or guy, although for decades he had made a point he didn't see any women that way. 

But he was trapped in his own world.

John had always wanted to see what the land was like. Their hooks and nets they would use when fishing, and the way their boats could tear through the water! It all seemed so amazing, yet he couldn't get out of the water and walk around. It just didn't work that way.

There were tales, old ones too, that described the way the humans had treated their kind. Kill them, stuff them up and hang them up as if they were a toy. They had never frightened the freckled boy like they did the others. In fact, their purpose to make him fear had only pushed him farther in his 'quest' to see the surface.

His father, Henry Laurens, despised it. Always spoke against it and had even threatened to move them farther from the shore. Farther from everything he had ever known. It eventually reached a point where Henry had stopped letting him hang out with Maria, John's best and only real friend.

"John, come on, I can cover for you tonight, both my parents are out and You can finally get to the surface! I'll say you're staying the night with me. I mean, we're both old enough to make our own decisions." Maria said, dragging John as close to the surface and land as she dared to go.

"I... Okay. Please don't get yourself into any trouble." John pulled Maria into a hug before grinning wildly and swimming off, quickly becoming nothing more than a small glint of his tail moving through the water.

John was off the walls about this chance. Finally, even if it was for a short time.

~Mount Vernon~

Alexander Hamilton had always loved the ocean. He could spend hours swimming around and playing in the water. His Caribbean upbringing probably didn't help, but George and Marhta Washington, Alexander's adoptive parents, could care less. It got their son outside, and even if he was now twenty, they let him stay with them.

He had naturally tan looking skin from his childhood in the Carribean, and kept his raven black hair long, reaching past his shoulders. Alexander also had wide, violet eyes that always made him stand out in a crowd. He was genuinely beautiful, shorter than the average male, but it had been chalked up to malnutrition as a child.

Alexander worked at an editing company and was able to work from pretty much anywhere as long as he had a laptop. It was fine by him, as it allowed him to stay where everyone he knew was.

It was also close to a clean and beautiful ocean, where the waters would be warm and sometimes clear or a beautiful blue. Alexander walked along the water's edge close to sunset, enjoying the simple beauty of it all. The way the colors painted the sky in amazing blues and pinks and purples, with clouds occasionally dotting along the horizon. The sun dipped over the land, leaving the view to the ocean clear.

Sunrises were his favorite because of the way the sun shone on the water, but sunsets were almost as beautiful to watch. Alexander glanced down at the beach, seeing a figure laying there in the distance. They looked injured and very human. With a gasp, he rushed over to the person laying on the ground. As he got closer, the raven-haired man could see the person's long, curly hair was soaked, and his upper body covered in freckles. but it also revealed whoever it was, was covered in blood.

ON HOLD An Ocean Away (Lams)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora