Part 1. The class before

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Blair's POV:
Physical education. Girls tying up their shirts into a clean thot knot. Revealing their all too flat stomachs. Craving the attention the guys are all too willing to offer. Guys screaming their man rituals, slapping their chest like gorillas and shooting basketballs. I never noticed the chaos the class created until now. I used to be living in a bubble, only caring of my friend circle. The only thing I heard was the occasional whistle from a guy. I looked at my previous friends. 3 girls forming a triangle shape.

Catherine Sun, a girl with shining gold locks that went just over her shoulders. Her hair was always flowing downwards, never pinned up. She had the best curls. I would say she was the thiccest one, the guys went nuts over her. Annabelle Fisher, light brown hair always in a neat dancers bun. She has the slimmest body type of the trio and as indicated, the obvious dancer of the group. I swear, She's just their comic relief character. Finally, Amy Creek, that tag along brunette who won't stop posting selfies of her shining smile. Her hair was always a gamble of styles. Hovering just behind them was a girl with messy dirty blonde hair. I pitty her, she's the girl who trys to be popular. I look back at them knowing leaving was creating hell for me. I didn't care. A guy strutted to their group. The girls made an entrance so he could try and woo them. I could here the faint nervousness under lining his attempt to be smooth. I noticed the background girl looking at him with eyes of lust. Catherine stuck her hand in his face, I could see her fake eyelashes bat as she turned the poor dude away. The girl behind followed him with her eyes.

Looking around, I saw another group of girls, having legit fun, actually laughing. I saw a short Asiawasgsirl in the middle a bit flustered as another girl with glasses gave her a hug. It was sorta heartwarming. I saw another group with a girl with short brown hair and glasses show her phone to another girl. She had darker hair and was much curvier then her group of friends. I saw a dude chilling with them, but he wasn't flirting, he was having a good time. He made jokes and they were all sincere. I'd never seen anything like it. My only encounter with dudes is them trying to hit on me. I looked around to see a boy leaning against the wall alone. Parallel to me. I looked at him, he had piercings and on his shirt showed a huge turtle blushing, how cute. That loser who'd never be popular. He eyes me up and scoffed. I felt insulted for some reason, but soon to have that flush over me as the male coach blew the whistle.

The guys gathered there and the girls started to surround the female coach. I saw the popular trio strut to her and I saw Catherine lean over and whisper something in that poor girls ear. She jumped back, but nodded her head in delight as she ran into the washroom. I payed no attention to her.

"As you know, we finished track a few days back." Our coach screamed, "So we'll be doing a final evaluation."

The girl slipped back into class and have a radiant smile to Catherine. She sighed and looked away.


After doing track for 50 minutes straight, it was finally time to go to another class. Fun......... I enter the girls change room to find my regular clothes swapped with an old have sweater. I pull it up to find a overly happy tortoise. The stitching was very rapid and not hemmed up properly. I run my finger over the stitching and feel uneven gaps between each thread. I find underneath it all is a pair of black shorts. I put them on seeing no other option and find that the shorts barely cover me. I put on the sweater and it goes nearly over it, making it look like all I'm wearing is the hideous sweater. Suddenly I heard a whistle.

My head turned quickly to find my clothes being worn by the girl who was serving the popular trio. I see she's wearing my clothes and I hate to admit it, but she reminded me of me. It's only been a week since I stopped hanging with them and I knew they'd come after me. I haven't changed my attire though, I still wear the whore type clothing they wore. The girl modeled my clothing and on her face was pounds of makeup. Her hair was simplistic. As I eyed her I felt a tap on my shoulder and I felt like I knew wear this was going. I turned to face Catherine, who had pulled an old pic of me.

She strutted to this girl and I found that she was mirroring my look. She looked really similar to me. Old me had dirty blonde hair as she did, the clothing fit her well as it did myself. That picture was the first time the trio helped me with my appearance. Not saying another word, they left to our last class of the day. It's funny, the student Council leader dropped that position so fast just for this opportunity. I was pulled back to reality to hear the click of Amy's selfie. As she walked past me, she pushed my books onto the ground having my notebook pulled to a page. It was a sketch of us four. I scrambled to pick it up, but Annabelle had already caught a glance at it. Amy snapped a pic and ran. Annabelle walked over to me, her face was concerned,

"You know, we'd be glad to have you back."

"Sorry, I meant what I said." I replied. She gave me a pouty face.

"This other girl is so boring. She just does whatever Catty tells her to." She complained.

"Yup, that's what she does." I said, picking up my stuff. I started to walk away, but I felt a tank at my arm tugging me back,

"Don't leave me with them."she begged, her eyes filled with legitimate concern. Sorry MacNamara, but I want to be a single Veronica." I said, as I walked to my next class.

Half way through my transition between classes I realized she was in my next class. I silently cursed to myself.

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