Chapter 11: A love brought together again(Kara)

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     It was morning, I got no sleep from the night before. Most of the time I spent doing my best at searching for Mon-el in the pitch black woods. Finally settling in the middle of no where to try and sleep. I remember everything from last night. I couldn't see anything but I could hear. I heard Mon-el ask for my hand and then fall done the hill. I yelled for his name countless times but there was no answer, so I flew down myself crashing into trees and bushes. I figured that he fell into a ditch but I knew he could easily get himself out. So I searched and searched just getting myself lost.
    Now that it was morning I could see. I could see what mess I got myself into the night before trying to look for Mon-el in complete darkness. I'm lost. I know it would be easy just to fly over the woods and look for him but it's daytime now and I don't know who would see me, it's to risky. So I got up instead and started walking around calling his name.
     It had been hours, I had no idea what time it was but I knew it had been a while. I was walking by the end of the hill searching everywhere for him. But hadn't realized when I started that I didn't know which direction to go in. Now it's pretty obvious I had been going in the wrong direction for hours. I sat down on a fallen tree and just thought. About everything. Everything Mon-el had done for me and how much he cared about me and it brought me to  tears just thinking about what I might do.
     I wiped that thought from my head. I just couldn't do that even if it would help Mon-el. I lay down on the tree trunk, staring up at the blue sky and imagine what krypton looked like right now. Gray skies, bodies everywhere, blood splatted around every corner. I tear dripped down the side of my face once again. My home has been destroyed and there was nothing I could do about it. I sat up, laying here made me think about all the negative things that's happened to me. Mon-el helped me to see the positive. What was I supposed to do without him? I needed him but not only that I was falling in love with him and him missing was like an emptiness following me around. I couldn't take the feeling anymore. That something really bad bad happened to him or that the officers had come and taken him away. And I knew I couldn't do what I knew he would have wanted me to do. I couldn't imagine doing that. I felt a certain shame for even thinking that. Finally I decided what I was going to do.
     I flew above most of the trees staying low under the really tall ones. Spotting Mon-el would be really easy from up here but I knew he would be upset with me for risking my life to find him. I flew the opposite direction I came using x-ray vision to look in places I couldn't see from up here. I felt peaceful up here but I knew that wouldn't last long.
      finally I spotted him, he was laying against a tree his head in his knees and to his chest, I couldn't see his face. Not from up here anyways. I flew back a few feet and landed softly in some damp leaves. "Mon-el! Mon-el!" I ran over watching him jump to his feet and his face light up and turn into a smile. I jumped into his arms and kissed him. I hadn't felt so good or safe in so long.
     "Oh my god!" He started burring his face in my shoulder. "Kara." He pulled me in closer to his chest. I wiped the tear that dripped down his cheek and ran my fingers through his hair. "How did you find me?" He asked.
     "I looked and looked. I was so worried that's all I could do." I said still running my fingers through his hair.
     "I... I... oh my god. You don't know how happy I am to see you." He buried his face in my shoulder again. "I thought something happened to you." Tears ran down his face faster than I could imagine. I wiped them all away and let him rest on my shoulder.
     "Why happened last night, where did you go?" I asked.
     "I don't know. I can't remember. All I remember was waking up here and you were gone."
     "You must've hit your head somewhere." I said cradling his head in my hands. "You fell last night down the hill," I said. I wanted to cry I wanted to just lay down in his arms and cry. But I knew he had it worse and it was my turn to be the strong one, to be the comforter. "I remember trying to get a hold of your hand and you weren't there and then I heard you fall, I couldn't yell because I knew people would hear me so I flew down after you. Getting myself lost looking for you in the darkness."
     "Oh.. oh I remember now! Just a little. Your hand, it was missing and falling but that's it and I can barely remember that."
     "Yeah, suns setting now. Let's stay here until morning." I said. A full load of emotions came barreling to me at that moment and I felt my face wanting to cry. It was so hard to hold it in. But I had to. For Mon-el.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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