Chapter 4: A break from running (Mon-el)

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I've been waiting for so long for her to wake up. I saw her running from some guards and followed. Next thing I knew I was jumping into dangerous waters to save her. "Hi." I said walking closer to her bed.
"Hey." Her voice was full of pain. "How did you save me and...what happened?"
"I saw some guards chasing you and I followed them. I then saw you drowning and falling down the waterfall so I jumped in after you and took you here."
"But why? Why would you save me? Risk your life and save me!" She sat up more.
"I don't know, I just...didn't...want you to die." I looked at the floor. I felt the tingle in my stomach again. Did I have feelings for a Kryptonian? No. I couldn't.
"Thank you, but please don't risk your life for mine. I'm not worth it, and you've done so much for me already I just —." I cut her off.
"What do you mean your not worth it?" I walked closer. "You are worth it that's why I saved you." I sat on the edge of her bed. Our eyes locked and I got swept into that feeling again. She was so beautiful. I felt like I was melting, staring into her sky blue eyes. It was the closest I've ever been to her. She looked away and I snapped out of my feelings.
"So...where are we anyways?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. We are where the Kryptonian ships take off."
"I thought it got blown up."
"It did but there was a room in the basement that was untouched and there's even an emergency ship down here." I said pointing out the room to something under a covering. "But you should rest, your badly hurt." I stood up and walked towards the door.
"Wait Mon-el," Kara started. I turned around. "Thanks." I smiled and left the room.

3 weeks later
     Its been 3 weeks since I saved Kara from the brink of death. We have been spending those weeks in this basement room, eating whatever food that's here and barely ever leaving. I haven't returned back to the Daxamites yet and I don't want to. Kara is still recovering from her injuries but is better than ever now.
"Mon-el!" A yell came from the other side of the basement, it was Kara. I ran over there to see what happened. "There isn't any food left." She said stepping off a stool.
"Oh my god Kara you scared me. I thought there was something wrong." I stood in the doorway staring at her as she laughed at me.
"Why are you always worrying?" She asked.
"I just...I like...I just do." I said blushing. She walked out the room giggling a little and patted me on the shoulder.
"Relax Mon-el." She said.
     The truth was I did have feeings for Kara. I just never admitted it to myself and I never planned on telling her. I followed Kara back to the room. "So are we going to go out and get food?" Kara asked sitting on her bed. I sat down on my blankets sprawled out on the floor next to her bed.
      "I will," I said. "You will get killed if any Daxamites see you." She nodded and pulled out the board game she made from under her bed.
     "Let's play." She said grinning.
     "NOOOO, I suck at that game. It's rigged and you cheat." I laughed and she tugged me by the arm into her bed to play. Being around Kara made me forget all of my problems. Her smile her laugh, it's everything about her that's making me fall for her.
     Suddenly there were footsteps coming from above. Then they traveled down the stairs and right above the bunker. Loud booming voices came from above. I looked at Kara and we cleaned up the game quickly. "We need to hide." I whispered. My voice was panicky, it was Daxamite soldiers. I pointed to the ship under the covering. "In there." I said.
     "Down here. There's a bunker." A voice from above got closer.
     "Hurry!" I whisper yelled to Kara. We uncovered the ship a little and the top opened. We climbed in. It was small and only made for one person but we had to make it work. I was laying down, half of Kara was on top of me. I reached up and pulled the covering completely over the ship then the top closed.
     Minutes later the Daxamite soldiers were in. "It's so obvious someone was here." One of them said. There was probably 4 from what I could hear. They searched everywhere and I could feel Kara's heart beating so hard. Her eyes were shut and her palms were sweaty as she held my hand tightly. Then it was quiet, the soldiers weren't making noise anymore. But I never heard them leave. Then out if no where the covering over the ship disappeared and all 4 soldiers raised their guns and shot. The glass was bullet proof but it wasn't going to hold forever. I punched the screen in the ship until it turned on. The glass was cracking and Kara was freaking out. Battery low. The screen was blinking on red. 5 minutes of usage left. Ughhhhh! I yelled and punched the screen again suddenly the ship started moving and the wall in front it disappeared. It shot out the room and into the sky. Then into outer space.

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