Chapter 7: Feelings (Kara)

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     "Micheal, your gonna wanna see this," the door opened and a man poked his head in, holding the same square device Micheal had on his desk. Micheal got up, took a last look at us and walked towards the door. "It's video footage from the lake when that thing fell in." He looked over at us and back at the computer then the door closed.
     "Kara, we need to go." Mon-el said frantically. He was looking over at the window and walked over. "What is this?" He said ripping some covering from over the window. I got up and went over to the window, Mon-el punched the window twice and motioned for me to climb out. The door flung open and Micheal and the man raced back in. "Go!" Mon-el yelled.
     Mon-el and I were running again. Running from people trying to harm us because we were different than them. We ran so much I forgot we were running I was just doing what I knew best. It was like the world was in slow motion and everyone was against us. I remembered being back on Krypton before the war, with my parents and when things were normal. Kara! Kara! Kara! My name was being repeated but it wasn't in my head. It was Mon-el. I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at him.
     "Are you okay?" He asked. It took me a few seconds to realize he was asking me a question. I thought about the answer, it was no.
     "Yes, I'm fine." I said. I didn't want to bother  Mon-el with my problems when he had his own.
     "I know this is different and you miss Krypton, if you wanna talk I'm here."
     "I know. I'm here for you too." I said. I cared about Mon-el a lot, more than I've ever cared about any boy in my life. "Where are we?" I asked looking around. I hadn't realized where we were I just realized that we stoped.
     "An ally, far away enough for now from the police station."
     "Police station?"
     "Where we just there. The cop said it, you should pay attention more so we can be like the people here."
     "Well if we want to be like these people we have to dress like them." I said looking down at my clothes."
     "I know but for the rest of today we should just find somewhere to hid."  I nodded.
     Mon-el and I walked aimlessly around looking for somewhere to spend the night. We were so cautious when police cars went by and got all sort of stares from people.
     We finally found ourselves in the back of a small building, it had a big yard and some sort of kids structure in the back. The building was painted blue and had windows lining up with each other in the back. There was a car parked in front a mini version of the house and was big, unlike the police cars and it was black. There was a little house in the back, it had what looked like tools, big tools for doing human things that I don't know of. In the corner there was a stack of bags full of dirt. We moved them and laid them down as if they were beds.
     Mon-el smiled at me. "This is kinda nice." he said. He moved a little closer since our beds made out of bags of dirt was like one big bed. I looked at him, and not for the first time I felt something, something I couldn't explain. I closed my eyes and waited for it to go away but it didn't.
     "Yeah." I said opening my eyes again. I looked at Mon-el for so long I forgot about everything, all my worries and anxieties. It were as if he was moving closer, and closer. But it wasn't in my head he really was. He stopped. I could feel his breath on my nose and the top of my lip. I stared into his eyes and sat up a bit. I carefully placed my lips on his, closing my eyes again and letting all the warm and tingling feelings return. I felt weightless, being so close to him. I felt safe. He pulled away slowly and I didn't want it to end but I let him. I looked up at him and he looked at me.
     "I've been wanting to tell you something." He said slowly. I nodded for him to keep going. "" He couldn't finish because I sat up and kissed him again. My hand running through his hair, I let him kiss me for a long time.
     "I know." I whispered. I didn't let him respond, I just sat up more. He held me close to him and kissed me further. I pulled away slowly. "We should get some rest."
     "Yeah." Mon-el laid down again next to me, closer now. I Scooted closer until I was wrapped in him arms and my head was on his chest. Then he laid his chin in my head. My eyes got heavy quick and slowly I fell asleep.

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