Chapter 3: Saved again (Kara)

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     Mon-el and I turned the corner of the ship. My heart was beating so furiously, I could hardly breathe. He gripped his gun firmly in his hands but I could see the fright in his eyes. My hands were still cuffed but Mon-el shot my ankle cuffs off.
     "Mon-el!" A voice boomed down the hall from behind us. It was one of the guards. "What are you doing? I thought you shot the girl?" Mon-el was speechless after that. The guard raised his gun. "You traitor, I don't know why your father doesn't just shoot you! He's a fool." He pointed his gun at me than at Mon-el. I grabbed Mon-els gun with my cuffed hands and shot the guard in the knee. He dropped his gun and fell to the ground, holding his knee as blood covered his hands.
     "Run!" I yelled at Mon-el. I bolted down the hall as fast as I could. Mon-el close behind. Gun shots blared from Behind, two guards were chasing after us, firing. I turned and shot Mon-els gun but it was out.
     "Turn the corner and leave the ship!" Mon-el yelled to me. A bullet fired again, skimming my shoulder. I winced in pain as my sweater turned red but kept running.
     "STOP!" Mon-el stoped dead in his tracks. It was his father. "Wow. Just wow." He shook his head. "What is wrong with you!?" His father was furious. I watched from behind the corner as he yelled at him. Then slapped him. He shook his head. "You let her go." "All because what? WHAT!? TELL ME I WANT TO KNOW. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR FOOLISH HEAD!" Mon-els face turned bright red as he stared at the floor. I felt so bad, he helped me and I was just going to leave him. But I had to survive.
I left the ship quickly, careful not to run into any guards. I went down to the river and sat on the bank, no one could see me here and I could see the moon from here. It was sort of peaceful, lying on the sand staring at the sky. It reminded me of old times when krypton was beautiful and not torn apart. I at least wish I had my powers. When the daxamites came they put up a force field around krypton, blocking a part of the sun which made everyone powerless. It made killing off kryptonians easier since the Daxamites has many weapons and a stronger army.      

     It was morning. I hadn't realized I fell asleep by the river. My stomach started growling, I hadn't eaten in days. Mon-el. He was the first person to come to my mind. Why? I asked myself. He's just another Daxamite killing off my people. I followed the river down stream all day. Night was falling now. I was where all the Kryptonian ships going to other planets were located but the Daxamites blew up the building. Everything I planned to do was ruined, I had no way out of Krypton and no way to survive. So I sat down by the river again for another night.
"Hey look!" I woke to loud voices yelling at me. They raised their guns and started chasing me down the river. I jumped in the water and sunk to the bottom. My cut burned from where the bullet grazed me. Suddenly the current picked up I tried swimming to the top but When I did I got pulled under again. And again. A branch tore my leg and I was swept under again. I gasped for breaths as I swallowed water and sank to the bottom. The light from above started to fade and my vision started going blurry. Kara! Kara! Kara! I yelled to myself. Fight! But I couldn't I was weak and out of breath. Seconds later I was plummeting somewhere. I didn't even know where. Water was roaring around but I felt nothing. Then suddenly I hit the water. Hard and ferocious. I sank to the bottom.

I was spitting up water. I gasped for air and I couldn't hear anything. I looked around, it was blurry. My clothes were soaked and my leg and shoulder were stinging. I felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me back down to lay down. I could see the figure of the person nothing else. My eyes were heavy, the pain was so bad I couldn't even feel it. I felt weightless as I was lifted off the ground carried by the figure off somewhere.
I woke up again, I was in a bed. The room was dark and quiet but a little light shown through somewhere. I moved a little then I felt it. The pain climbing from my leg up my spine all over. I yelled. "Shhh they will find us," someone's voice came out the darkness, it was familiar. He walked into the light and I saw his face. It was Mon-el.

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