Pressing the device firmly against my ear I crack out a silent "Yobuseyo"

"Haeju! What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked excitedly making me gulp

"Tomorrow? Hum.. I'm not doing anything.. Why?"

"I thought we could meet eachother at the park and study together for a while.. what do you think?"

I closed my eyes not really understanding why was god playing with my heart as I heard the words that were coming out of his mouth

"You could say that.. hum.. I'm inviting you for a date.." he confessed

"Da.. te?.." I asked as quietly as I could now feeling my heart get strangled in my chest.

Soo Jung kept talking but my mind went blank as I just noticed I had just said that word right next to.. well.. Jackson

I looked towards him and noticed that he was still the same. Ignoring everything that was happening.. He could even pass as being asleep

"Hum.. I have to.. I have to see.. I'll c-call you later Soo Jung" I said while clearing my throat "Ok?.."

"Oh of course! No pressure.. I'm sorry if it was too forward.. I didn't want to scare you.."

"Ah.. you did nothing wrong... I'll call you later.. o-ok?"

He agreed and then ended the call. I squeezed my phone in my hand feeling my brain needing to explode. A strong and uncomfortable weird kind of feeling took over my chest. Almost like regret..

I looked at Jackson again and he was still just like the other times I had glanced at him. The sound of the rain intensified making me sigh.. I can't let him leave in a weather like this..

"행복하니?" (Are you happy?) he finally choked out making the hairs in my body lift up as if I had been caught doing something wrong

"뭐?" (What?)

"내가 거기 있지 않다면 행복해?" (Are you happier now that I'm not there?)

I snorted and shook my head not even dignifying him of an answer. I kept it silenced as I stood up to look out the window. When was the rain stop pouring?

He also stood up and came behind me leaning down next to me to whisper in my ear

"It feels like you haven't moved on from me" he mumbled

I pushed him away "You're wrong"

He leaned against the wall and caressed his chin with his hand but I didn't dare even glance at him again.

I then heard some shuffling and making me turn around to see him walk to the door. He oicked up his jacket and put on his boots. "Where are you going?" I asked taking a step towards him

"10 minutes are up, bye" he mumbled not even glancing at me.

He opened the door and walked out of my small studio, worried about how bad the weather was, I ran towards the entrance and put on my sneakers just before the door closed

I ran out slamming the door and then went down the hall seeing him already close the door "Jackson!" I shouted but failed to make him listen

I ran towards the outside and saw him adjusting his coat now getting wet from the awful rain. I decided to ran towards him not really minding the pouring water on me, not really caring if I'd get a cold after all of this "Jackson!!" I shouted once again only to see him turn around the corner

A ray of lighting crossed the skies making me scream in fear and ball down to my feet, only to be followed by the thundering noise.

My high pitched scream must've caught his attention because next thing I knew, he was asking me if I was okay. I kept crying since I was truly afraid of thunderstorms.

"Ashh.. such a kid sometimes" he mumbled pulling my shoulders up "Come on, I'll take you to yo-"

Another lighting crossed the skies and this time, the thunder was much closer making a bigger and noisier sound which scared me more. I immediately embraced him hitting my head in his chest letting out another high pitched scream.

"I don't wanna die" I cried into his torso

He took a deep breath and caressed my back.
The rain was still pouring on us and the thunder storm was still going, but somehow.. I relaxed..

Baby if it's rain, thunder on this course
I will make it
I will find a way, even if It's pouring
And I will take it all for you

"Come on.. lets go.." he mumbled while starting to take a few steps towards where we just came from

Made It (Jackson Imagine) (GOT7)Where stories live. Discover now