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I remember the days when she tried to scare me,

The times she listened to me rant for hours,

We spoke about marriage ,

We spoke about Love,

I promised myself everyday that I would make her mine.

I memorized her schedule,

I went shopping with her although I hated it just so I could see her beautiful face,

She was the epitome of elegance and great taste and I was just ME,

I was scared to ask her out  so I stared at her and made small talk occasionally,

She smiled everyday oblivious to the feelings I had for her .

But Lo,

I woke up one day and she was not there with me anymore,

She was gone FOREVER,

No I screamed I loved her,

What happened?


I was informed that she was suffering from cancer,

I felt like I was dying the way she probably felt a few hours ago,

She never told me dammit and now im stuck in this cruel world without her,

Without my queen.

I was so stupid,

I regret not telling her how I feel,

Now she is gone and she never knew how I felt,

One day far away from now I will meet someone else,

One day I will have my own family but she will always be my world.

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