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Another suicide each day,

Alot of self hatred ,

Too many women fighting with each other,

They all want to be the center of attention,

They all want to feel loved,

I want to have a perfect life,

I want to be beautiful,

I dont want society to judge me,

they say ,

Then they make themselves into plastic,

Be yourself , they say 

Then when we do that,

They judge and scorn us,

They alienate us,

They even cyberbully,

You are fat,

You are too skinny,

You should wear more makeup,

Stop dressing like a slut,

Your shoes are hideous.


We have had enough,

Why can't people quit labeling others?

Judging them?

Because they are not perfect?

So what ?

Nobody is perfect?

We all do terrible things,

F*** what society thinks,

And be yourself,

Our creator made us all beautiful,

You are to love yourself for who you are,

Not for whom they want you to be,

Wear whatever you want,

Eat as much as your heart desires.

What if we helped each other to shine,

Instead of wishing them the worst?

What if we all stopped judging people we do not even know?

What if we remind our selves that we are beautiful?

That we are unique?

We do not need to live up to the expectations of others,

You are beautiful

You are enough 

What if we changed our mindsets?

Just maybe the world would be a better place.

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