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I gingerly pushed the cold brass key into the lock, it slid in perfectly and rested there awaiting further action. I stared at the key for only a second, if Joel was going to get me it would be now. I quickly turned the key and opened the door quietly. I could hear the hitting of skin, the punches and kicks. I quietly grabbed the key from the lock and closed the door. Quickly looking around to gather my bearings I chose a far left dirt path at the end of the road. I ran faster and faster with each leap, It soon took me to the forest and I was hopping over logs and ducking branches.

The bushes and branches tugged at my hair and clothes, begging me to stop and slow. I pried my eyes open and kept going as fast as I could, my jagged breaths filled the air, the cold temperature causing steam to appear in front of my mouth. The thudding and branch breaking was muffled from my heavy breathing. The path eventually died out and there was nothing for me to follow, in the dark I cried for a second before dropping to the ground searching for the fine dirt I had once been running on.

Leaves crunched behind me and I quickly flipped over to my back and stared into the abyss of darkness. "Joel?!" I called, sweat dripping from my temple. "Joel, I'm sorry I ran, I got scared. Please don't hurt me Joel, I got scared." I lied, leaves crunch one more time, but in the dark and confusion I couldn't see anything. The noise came from all around me and the suspense of it all made my heart pound in my chest.

"Jo-" I started to shout until a dark figure came at me in the darkness and I was hit in the head with a forgein object. I laid on the forest floor, dirt smearing across my face as warm liquid flowed over my forehead. I groggily attempted to move my hand but for some reason I couldn't move, I felt the metallic taste of blood fill my mouth and I knew he got me.

"If you were good, things like this wouldn't have to happen Charley." I heard his voice, his fucking voice dripping with honey and love. I felt him grab my body, I felt his hands on me as he dragged me back to the wretched house. I felt my conscious fade in and out, the blood still dripping from my head. I felt my freedom fall through the cracks of my fingers like sand in a shattered hourglass.

My bloodshot eyes peeled open as I woke, my head having a drunken disco party, pounding away. I couldn't move my arms, or my legs, my head felt stiff. Last night was a blur, the moving faces and shadows haunting my broken memory. I am kidnapped, I am kidnapped by, by Joel. Last night, Last night Casper, Joels.... Brother came over and they fought. And, and, and I got out I don't know how though. I can't remember, but I know I was in the woods. From the woods, I was here.

I forced my hand to move to feel my head and I felt the heavy bandage, slowly I pieced together what had happened. "You finally woke up, You've been out for a while." Joel's voice was laced with empathy and love, but I wasn't so naive. I opened my mouth to cuss him out but no words would come out, my throat was dry and sore. As I made my guttural noises Joel must've valued it because he offered me a drink of water. He held it to my lips and I carefully took a sip.

"You fucking hit me," I finally spoke, my voice was scratchy and rough to the ears. Joel seemed unimpressed, for he didn't move but just stared angrily at me.

"I will not punish you for that slip up, only because of your condition as of right now. I will not be so nice in the future." He slipped his arm under my back and pushed me into a sitting position. The movement made me nauseous, My room was the same excast for the medical tub at the end of the bed. I looked into the mirror at the end of the bed and saw my bandaged head. I looked like the marshmallow man. "Your injuries aren't too bad, just painful now but you'll be fine in a couple of days. Here drink this," He offered me a cup of orange juice, I was hungry and needed my vitamins, so I took it and drank it quite fast.

"This isn't just orange juice is it," I asked, my stomach felt sick. There was an odd tart taste to this.

"I put sleeping meds in it so you'll sleep for a while, when you wake up you'll feel better."

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