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"Charley must I tell you every morning, up you go. It's time for breakfast." I opened my eyes at the sound of Joel's voice but kept still. Maybe if I act like I'm asleep he'll leave me alone. I was proven wrong by the footsteps coming closer to the bed. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. The bed dipped and I felt his hand gently move the hair from my face and tuck it behind my ear. "Charley, Wake up."

His hand started to stroke my face, that was the last straw for me. I grabbed his hand and dug my fingernails in it, "Don't fucking touch me." I growled, moving myself closer to the other side of the bed. Joel grabbed the back of my neck and brought me back to him. Without hesitation he slapped me across my cheek and let me go. I let out a soft cry and held the right side of my face in my hand.

"Watch your fucking language Charley. This is my house, I do whatever I fucking want. If you were good I wouldn't have to be the bad guy." I stared at him sitting up in bed, my cheek stung terribly. "Get dressed, breakfast is downstairs." Joel slammed my door shut making me jump. I sat on the bed for a second but decided to hurry so I wouldn't anger him anymore. I wore overalls today, a blue tie-dye shirt underneath. I pulled back my hair in the same scrunchie and stared at myself in the mirror.

Bruises had appeared on my throat overnight, the burn on my forehead was doing much better but was still prominent under the thick bandage. My cheek had a large red imprint on it, I wasn't surprised by that fact though. 'If I was good he wouldn't have to hit me,' I scoffed aloud. There isn't much I can do besides play along. I made my way down the stairs and found Joel waiting for me by a plate with eggs and toast.

When he saw me arrive he made his way over to me and lifted a hand up to my face. I knew what would happen if I protested so I let him touch me. His eyes trailed from the burn to my cheek to my neck, he shook his head and laughed. "Oh Charley, if only you were good, things wouldn't have to be like this," I closed my eyes trying to ignore him and his hand cupping my face. If only I was good. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and guided me to my plate. I stared at the food, a part of me was worried it was poisoned and another part begged for it to be.

"Eat" Joel uttered, his back turned from me, I grabbed my fork and started to cut the egg. At least he fed me, it could be worse. I remember watching the Sunday morning news with my mother and seeing the women's faces appear on the screen. Their faces beaten and their eyes downcast the newscaster that read his script off in a monotone voice. Their stories are a variety of horror tales in which someone keeps them in a closet, or a cargo case. Or you see their remains and how skinny they became from starvation. I wasn't going to be that girl, mark my words.

Once finished I leaned back into my seat and pushed my plate away. Joel swiftly grabbed it and placed it in the sink running cool water over for a second. Joel looked to my hands that lay on the countertop which drummed their way to a musical record. "Go to the couch, I'm going to brush your hair again," Joel said, running over the length of it with his eyes. I nodded and walked to the couch, be compliant and you'll be okay.

Joel went to the back of the couch and softly grabbed all my hair and pulled it from the scrunchie. His hands combed through it slowly, then he stroked it with the brush, slowly pulling out any tangles. He stopped for only a second before pulling it into a braid that hung over my shoulder. "You have to take a shower tonight. While you were in your room I went out and went shopping for you."

I nodded my head in response. "Charley, I don't want to be the bad guy but you don't learn. Maybe if I talk to you, you will understand. You use your words when you talk to me, and say thank you when I do something for you." He stared intently at my eyes.

"Yes Joel, Thank you for doing that for me. I greatly appreciate it." I say, I know any amount of sarcasm might get my slap.

"I love it when you say my name." Joel drags his hand across my shoulders, I shudder from his action.

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