"Off to the grocery store." I answered, smiling at him.

"Oh yeah, and hows my baby?" He hugged me from behind.

I gulped. Even if I was only a few weeks, I felt as if he touched my stomach he would know.

"Fine." I answered, shortly.

"Something wrong?" He asked, pulling away to look at my face.

"No, I'm fine Dean." I sent him a reassuring smile.

"I'm back!" Sam walked in.

He pulled a large jar of pickles out of the bag and slid them to me.

"I love you for this!" I gasped, taking the jar to the kitchen.

"Uh, baby?" I heard Dean speak as I opened the jar.

"Yep?" I answered.

"You hate Pickles." Dean stated.

I stopped in my tracks, fear running through my veins, of course he would notice this. I looked at Sam for help who only shrugged, not knowing what to do or say.

"I never really tried them. Had a change of heart." I lied, shrugging. Lame.

"Really, because remember that time 2 months ago that you threw up because the waitress accidently gave you pickles on your burger." He told me, walking closer.

"I'll be in my room, doing something." Sam walked away awkwardly, but not going too far Incase when I told him things got out of hand.

I was about to speak when a flutter of wings came into the room. I face palmed. Castiel went to speak but stopped in his tracks, turning towards me. I knew he heard it, the second heartbeat coming from me. I knew he was going to say something.


"Don't say it. I already know." I interrupted.

"Know what?" Dean asked.

"I'll be right back." I sighed walking away. This is not how I wanted it to happen.

I walked into my bedroom, grabbed all five tests from the laundry bin and left back to the kitchen. The boys hadn't moved. I let out a scared sigh and set the tests on the counter.

Dean stared at them in confusion, until his eyes widened in relization. He stuttered for a few moments before he looked up at me, staring at me as if I was an alien.


"Pregnant. Yes." I spoke.

"Am I the father?" He asked, dumbly.

"Yes." I answered.

He stared at the test before slowly reaching out and picking one up, staring at the little plus sign. Neither of us spoke for a while, scaring me slightly.

"I'm gonna be a father." He stated.

I hadn't noticed that Castiel finally left. I nodded my head. I looked down, waiting for him to yell or scream. Of course he wouldn't want the baby.

I felt two fingers lift up my chin and I met the apple green eyes of the love of my life. He didn't look angry, in fact he was...smiling?

"Were gonna be parents!" He screamed, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Wait, what?" I laughed. "I thought you would be mad." I admitted.

"OF COURSE NOT! I've always wanted to be a dad." He smiled at me, setting me down.

"Wait, SAMMY! YOU'RE GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He screamed down the hall, running towards Sam's room. I laughed and followed, walking behind him.

I walked into the room to see Dean jump on Sam's bed. Sam jolted as his brother landed on top of him and let out a groan.

"YOU'RE GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He screamed again, shaking him out of excitement.

"I know, Dean!" Sam laughed, shoving him away.

*9 months later*

Nine months, nine full months of being pregnant with Dean's kid. We had figured out its a boy and were gonna name him John, after Dean's father.

Dean and Sam were currently on a hunt, as I wasn't due for another 2 weeks. Although Dean called every half hour and Cas checked in regularly.

I crawled out of bed from my nap amd waddled my way to the kitchen. God this kid loved pickles. I wonder if I'll still like them after he's out.

As I grabbed the large jar, struggling slightly, a white hot pain spread from my core all the way throughout my body. The jar dropped from my hands with a splash and a crash but I could barely pay attention to that. Liquid dripped down my legs from inside my sweatpants. For a split second I thought it was blood. But I saw that it wasn't red but clear when it hit the floor. I either just peed my pants or the baby's coming. Another shooting pain shot up my body. Gasps left my lips as I collapsed to the ground.

"CASTIEL!" I screamed, pain subsisting for a minute or two.

In a second I was being supported by the angel and transported to a hospital. Cas was holding me bridal style.

"Help! She's giving birth!" Cas shouted, not 100% knowing what to do in this situation. Dean had gone over it a thousand times but he was still panicking.

Doctor's and nurses surrounded me and placed me on a gurny. I didn't want Cas to go, I didn't want to be alone. But he had to find Dean and Sam and tell them. He would be back in seconds.

"FIND DEAN, CAS!" I shouted as they rolled me away.

Glancing back at the place where Cas once was, he wasn't there anymore.

Dean's p.o.v

"Cas! What the hell!" I shouted as Castiel suddenly appeared in our hotel room. His clothes were soaked in blood and a clear liquid.

"No time. Y/N is giving birth as we speak." He placed two fingers to me and Sam's forhead, transporting us to a hospital. I glanced around before it dawned on me what he said.

I ran down the hall towards the voice of my girlfriend. I blusted in the door and rushed to her side. Her clothes were gone and replaced with a hospital gown. She was sweating like crazy and kept yelling curses.

"Hey, baby." I beamed.

"You bastard! You put me here!" She screamed at me through grit teeth. I knew this was the pain talking. I only smiled at her.

"Guessing this is the father." The doctor laughed.

Y/N' p.o.v

"Alright, Y/N. I'm gonna need you to push one more time!" The doctor told me. I was exhausted, and all I wanted was for the pain to go away and for some relief.

"I can't do it anymore, Dean. I can't." I panted, looking at the love of my life. He smiled down at me and stroked my hair.

"Yes you can. Come on, push baby." He encouraged me.

I gathered every piece of strength I had and screamed as I pushed once again. Pain worse than I had ever felt before ripped through me like a cannon. Until that little cry rang out in the delivery room and the only pain left was some throbbing down below. A smile overcame my face as I heard the screams and crys of my baby. I ignored the throbbing and focused all the little bundle.

"You did it baby. Oh my god he's so tiny." Dean beamed, still stroking my hair as we looked at the baby.

"Where are they taking him?" I asked as they turned away with my baby. They weren't going to take him right?

"They're just cleaning him off, you'll have him in a second." He told me, kissing my forehead.

A minute later, a nurse turned around with John in her arms. He was wrapped up in a blue blanket. The small baby was then placed in my arms. Dean helped me support him, as I was very weak.

"Hey there, buddy. I'm your mommy. You just came out of me." I smiled, adjusting the blanket.

"Oh my god. Dean, he has your nose." I booped the baby's small nose, softly.

"He looks just like his mommy." Dean beamed, looking down at me.

He kissed my forhead as we looked at John Winchester the second.

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